Ora dal server mer 13/11/2024 ore 07:54 | Europe/Rome

Laboratory Furniture

Lòte 29

Asta n.18591

Arredi e ufficio > Arredi vari e attrezzature

  • Laboratory Furniture 1
  • Laboratory Furniture 2
  • Laboratory Furniture 3
  • Laboratory Furniture 4
  • Laboratory Furniture 5
  • Laboratory Furniture 6
  • + fotò
At the end of the auction, for the best offers received, the award will be subject to approval by the bodies of the procedure.
  • Descrizione

Laboratory Furniture


Loto sospeso por

Tramo minimu € 25,00

Commissione d'acquisto 10,00 %

Depòsit caucional: € 500,00

Spese de amministrazione € 350,00

IVA nel lotto 21,00 %se fosse applicabile


Richiedi informazioni Richiedi 'na visita
Production of glass containers - Machinery and equipment
Production of glass containers - Machinery and equipment
Production of glass containers - Machinery and equipment
32 Lòtti

Production of glass containers - Machinery and equipment

Production of glass containers - Machinery and equipment

Asta 18591

Giudice de Barcelona
Vèndita n.2

gio 11/05/2023 ore 16:00

mer 31/05/2023 ore 16:20

Scheda Asta

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