Electric oven year 2017 Deko mundial brand Mondial Forni model 120200 and 5 metal cabinets for bread
For the withdrawal it is necessary bridge crane
Annu: 2017
Marca: Mondial Forni
mudèle: 120200
Alimentare e ristorazione > Cottura dei cibi
Electric oven year 2017 Deko mundial brand Mondial Forni model 120200 and 5 metal cabinets for bread
For the withdrawal it is necessary bridge crane
Annu: 2017
Marca: Mondial Forni
mudèle: 120200
Lotto sospeso pòr
Valutazione € 15.500,00
Tramo minimu € 250,00
Commissione d'uacquirente 10,00 %
Depòsitu caucional: € 500,00