Refractory hearth cyclothermic diesel oven 60 x 2. Disassembly and removal by buyer.
Marca: Termopan
mudèle: CICLOTHERM MT 185
Alimentare e ristorazione > Cottura dei cibi
Refractory hearth cyclothermic diesel oven 60 x 2. Disassembly and removal by buyer.
Marca: Termopan
mudèle: CICLOTHERM MT 185
Lotto sospeso pòr
Valutazione € 6.000,00
Tramo minimu € 250,00
Commissione d'uacquirente 10,00 %
Depòsitu caucional: € 500,00
lun 10/07/2023 ore 16:30
mar 08/08/2023 ore 16:30
Fiche d'AstaAlimentare e ristorazione
Alimentare e ristorazione
Cerveteri (RM) - Italy
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Offida (AP) - Italy
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Città Sant'Angelo (PE) - Italy
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