Ora d'u server sab 15/03/2025 ore 01:17 | Europe/Rome

Dumper 1600 200160 E-5502-Bdn

Lote 84

Asta n.21669

Movimento terra > Dumper

  • Dumper 1600 200160 E-5502-Bdn 1
  • Dumper 1600 200160 E-5502-Bdn 2
  • Descrizione

DUMPER 1600 200160 E-5502-BDN

Marca: Dumper


Lotto sospeso pòr

Valutazione € 1.470,60

Prezze de riserva € 514,71

Tramo minimu € 100,00

Commissione d'uacquirente 7,00 %

Depòsitu caucional: € 3.400,00

IVA ncopp'a lu lotto 21,00 %se fosse applicabile


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Construction Machinery and Trucks in Bilbao
Construction Machinery and Trucks in Bilbao
Construction Machinery and Trucks in Bilbao
97 Lotti

Construction Machinery and Trucks in Bilbao

Construction Machinery and Trucks in Bilbao

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Giudice de Bilbao
Vende n.2

mer 14/02/2024 ore 16:00

gio 29/02/2024 ore 17:15

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