Ora d'u server sab 15/03/2025 ore 05:26 | Europe/Rome

Acrylic on canvas - Child and Mother

Lote 87

Asta n.12410

Arte e collezionismo > Arte

  • Acrylic on canvas - Child and Mother 1
  • Acrylic on canvas - Child and Mother 2
  • Acrylic on canvas - Child and Mother 3
  • Descrizione

Acrylic on canvas - Child and Mother

artist: Purita López, Petunia.
dim. 80 x 60
state: excellent


Lotto sospeso pòr

Prezze de riserva

Tramo minimu € 25,00

Commissione d'uacquirente 12,00 %

Depòsitu caucional: € 100,00

Spese de amministrazione € 25,00

IVA ncopp'a lu lotto 21,00 %se fosse applicabile


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