Ora der server mer 12/03/2025 ore 06:28 | Europe/Rome

Apartment in Punta Umbria, Huelva - Spain- Share 50%

Lotto 1

Asta n.20007

Immobili > Case e Appartamenti

  • Apartment in Punta Umbria, Huelva - Spain- Share 50% 1
  • Apartment in Punta Umbria, Huelva - Spain- Share 50% 2
  • Apartment in Punta Umbria, Huelva - Spain- Share 50% 3
  • Apartment in Punta Umbria, Huelva - Spain- Share 50% 4
  • Apartment in Punta Umbria, Huelva - Spain- Share 50% 5
  • Apartment in Punta Umbria, Huelva - Spain- Share 50% 6
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Appartment in Plaza Perez Pastor Nº4 Attic B, Punta Umbria, Huelva - SHARE 50%

Constructed surface: 50,17m2

2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom, lobby and terrace.
The property is occupied by the bankrupt and another person.

Cadastral Reference: 1468509PB8116N0013BL

There are no outstanding IBI or community debts.

For further information see the documentation in the annex

There's no possibility to arrange a viewing because the property is occupied by their owners.


Lotto sospeso porca

Prezzo de riserva

Rilancio minimo € 1.000,00

Commissione d'acquisto 5,00 %

Deposito de cauzione: € 2.750,00

Prezzi mostrati senza IVA e spese secondo la legge


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