Ora der server mer 01/01/2025 ore 16:07 | Europe/Rome

Hencon truck PH2

Lotto 22

Asta n.20406

Movimento terra > Asfalti e Strade

  • Hencon truck PH2 1
  • Hencon truck PH2 2
  • Hencon truck PH2 3
  • Hencon truck PH2 4
  • Hencon truck PH2 5
  • Hencon truck PH2 6
  • + foto
  • Descrizzione

Hencon truck to load paste in anodes of cubas

Brand: Hencon
Year: 2007
Capacity: 11.5 T (35m3)
Own weight: 13840 Kg

- Check batteries -

Anno: 2007

Marca: Hencon


Sto lotto fa parte de:

Transport Elements - aluminum transformation sector
Transport Elements - aluminum transformation sector
Transport Elements - aluminum transformation sector
Transport Elements - aluminum transformation sector
CLotti in vendita in combinazione
42 Lotti
Richiede informazioni Richiedi visita
Metal handling vehicles
Metal handling vehicles
Metal handling vehicles
42 Lotti

Metal handling vehicles

Metal handling vehicles

Asta 20406

Tribunale de A Coruna
Vennita n.4

ven 27/10/2023 ore 16:30

lun 13/11/2023 ore 16:37

Scheda Asta

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