Ora e serverit Wed 03/07/2024 orë 11:25 | Europe/Rome

Apartment 11th floor -  Garibaldi Road, 1 - Skyscraper Bianchi

Lot 1

Shitje n.3960

Pasuri të patundshme > Shtëpi dhe Apartamente

  • Apartment 11th floor -  Garibaldi Road, 1 - Skyscraper Bianchi 1
  • Apartment 11th floor -  Garibaldi Road, 1 - Skyscraper Bianchi 2
  • Apartment 11th floor -  Garibaldi Road, 1 - Skyscraper Bianchi 3
  • Apartment 11th floor -  Garibaldi Road, 1 - Skyscraper Bianchi 4
  • Apartment 11th floor -  Garibaldi Road, 1 - Skyscraper Bianchi 5
  • Apartment 11th floor -  Garibaldi Road, 1 - Skyscraper Bianchi 6
  • + fotografi
  • Përshkrim

At the eleventh floor of the skyscraper "Bianchi", in the heart of Porto Recanati, a few meters from the beach, Piazza Brancondi and Corso Matteotti, is available an apartment in good condition and with good finishes, gross area of trade amounted to 61 sq.m. .

The property, with two balconies, allowing a wide overlooking the beach below, on the Adriatic coast and the town. The area is central to seaside tourism.

The apartment, with gross floor area of 58 square meters, comprises entrance hall, living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom, with two balconies of total area of 10 square meters that allow a wide overlooking the coast and the city. The internal height of 2.90 m net.

surfaces shown are indicative

Marble floors, armor-plated doors, central heating.

For more information, refer to the appraisal and the planimetry in the annex.


Loto i pezulluar për

Çmimi i rezervuarit

Vlera minimale € 1.000,00

Premiumi i blerësit see specific conditions

Depozitë garancie: € 7.500,00

TVSH në llot 22,00 %nëse do të ishte e zbatueshme


Kërko informacion Kërko vizitë
Apartment in Porto Recanati (MC) - Grattacielo Bianchi
Apartment in Porto Recanati (MC) - Grattacielo Bianchi
Apartment in Porto Recanati (MC) - Grattacielo Bianchi
1 Lote
Çmimet e ulëta
Ankand në Gobid.it

Apartment in Porto Recanati (MC) - Grattacielo Bianchi

Apartment in Porto Recanati (MC) - Grattacielo Bianchi

Shitje 3960

Gjykata e Ancona - Rënje. n. 21/2013
Shitje n.5

Wed 23/05/2018 orë 15:00

Tue 26/06/2018 orë 15:00

Fletë Ankandi

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