Ora e serverit Sun 06/10/2024 orë 16:34 | Europe/Rome

Shelves and Oven Molds

Lot 26

Shitje n.19267

Ushqim dhe Restorant > Pajisjet për restorant

  • Shelves and Oven Molds 1
  • Shelves and Oven Molds 2
  • Shelves and Oven Molds 3
  • Shelves and Oven Molds 4
  • Shelves and Oven Molds 5
  • Shelves and Oven Molds 6
  • + fotografi
  • Përshkrim

The lot includes:
2 metal shelves, 37 large plastic bread baskets and a set of small plastic baskets.
4 oven molds for sliced ​​bread


Loto i pezulluar për

Vlerësimi € 295,00

Vlera minimale € 25,00

Premiumi i blerësit 10,00 %

Depozitë garancie: € 500,00

TVSH në llot 21,00 %nëse do të ishte e zbatueshme


Kërko informacion Kërko vizitë
Bakery - Machinery and equipment
Bakery - Machinery and equipment
Bakery - Machinery and equipment
25 Lote

Bakery - Machinery and equipment

Bakery - Machinery and equipment

Shitje 19267

Gjykata e A Coruna
Shitje n.2

Mon 10/07/2023 orë 16:30

Tue 08/08/2023 orë 16:30

Fletë Ankandi

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