Ora e serverit Sun 15/12/2024 orë 08:51 | Europe/Rome

Commercial space in La Coruña - Spain

Lot 1

Shitje n.8721

Pasuri të patundshme > Imobili Komerciale

  • Commercial space in La Coruña - Spain 1
  • Commercial space in La Coruña - Spain 2
  • Commercial space in La Coruña - Spain 3
  • Commercial space in La Coruña - Spain 4
  • Commercial space in La Coruña - Spain 5
  • Commercial space in La Coruña - Spain 6
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Commercial space in La Coruña - Spain, Plaza de Las Atochas 8

Cadastral Reference- 9127401NJ4092N0169JO – sqm 79

Finca n. 19361

The property is located in the urban area of the municipality, in the Plaza de España area

It is characterized by being predominantly residential

The local is divided into two parts. One of them destined to a hospitality premises and occupied by a tenant and the other one is destined to warehouse.

The premises are rented with a lease. The contract has a duration of 6 years from 03/01/2015.
It has an automatic extension for another 4 years, except with four months' notice.
The rent is 450 euros per month. A copy of the contract is attached.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

Sipërfaqe: 79


Loto i pezulluar për

Çmimi i rezervuarit

Vlera minimale € 1.000,00

Premiumi i blerësit See specific terms

Depozitë garancie: € 6.100,00

TVSH në llot 21,00 %nëse do të ishte e zbatueshme


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Commercial space in La Coruña - Spain
1 Lote

Commercial space in La Coruña - Spain

Commercial space in La Coruña - Spain

Shitje 8721

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