Ora e serverit Wed 12/03/2025 orë 10:26 | Europe/Rome

SLS_1 Mechanical Industry - Machinery and Equipment

Comb. 1

Shitje n.5091

  • Mechanical Industry - Machinery and Equipment 1
  • Mechanical Industry - Machinery and Equipment 2
  • Mechanical Industry - Machinery and Equipment 3
  • Mechanical Industry - Machinery and Equipment 4
  • Mechanical Industry - Machinery and Equipment 5
  • Mechanical Industry - Machinery and Equipment 6
  • + fotografi
  • Përshkrim

combination of plant, machinery, equipment and vehicles

the bidder must arrange, at his sole responsibility, for the disposal of all the goods constituting the two lots purchased and not taken from

For lots located in Orbassano (lots from 1 to 60), the bidder must arrange, at his sole responsibility, to dismantle and remove the constituent goods within 240 days from the completion of the transfer, with a penalty of € 30.500,00 for each month or fraction of month of delay

For lots located in Milan (lots from 61 to 107), the bidder must provide, at his sole responsibility, for the dismantling and removal of the constituent goods within 150 days from the completion of the assignment, with a penalty of € 16.000,00 for each month or fraction of month of delay


Loto i pezulluar për

Çmimi i rezervuarit

Vlera minimale € 5.000,00

Premiumi i blerësit 5,00 %

Depozitë garancie: € 63.000,00

TVSH në llot 22,00 %nëse do të ishte e zbatueshme


Kërko informacion Kërko vizitë
  • Lote të kombinimit

  • Porosia për
    • Fjalëkalimi
    • Fjalëkalimi
    • Çmimet më të ulta
    • Çmimet më të larta
    • oferta
    • oferta
    • Më i popullarizuar
    • Më i popullarizuar
    • postimet e fundit
    • Fjalëkalimi
    • Shteti
    • numër
  • fshij të gjitha filtrot
  • 24
  • 36
  • 48

Lote të lidhura

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