Ora e serverit Wed 03/07/2024 orë 09:24 | Europe/Rome

SPL-2 Work Equipment and Various Machinery

Comb. 2

Shitje n.4716

  •  Work Equipment and Various Machinery 1
  •  Work Equipment and Various Machinery 2
  •  Work Equipment and Various Machinery 3
  •  Work Equipment and Various Machinery 4
  •  Work Equipment and Various Machinery 5
  •  Work Equipment and Various Machinery 6
  • + fotografi
  • Përshkrim
combination including:
- lot 02 floor cleaning machine
- lot 03 Piovan dryer
- lot 04 Piovan dryer
- lot 05 Dega dryer
- lot 07 Euro Chiller external pump
- lot 08 Fimas external blast chillers
- lot 09 Fimas external blast chillers
- lot 10 Refrigerator 500 / ton
- lot 12 Dega mixer
- lot 13 Virginio mixer
- lot 14 Piovan mixer
- lot 15 Mixer
- lot 23 Monovia lattanzi
- lot 24 Monovia lattanzi
- lot 25 Press for assembling wedges
- lot 26 Press for assembling wedges
- lot 27 Press for heel application
- lot 28 Press for heel application
- lot 29 Press for heel application
- lot 30 Press for heel application
- lot 31 Press for heel application
- lot 32 Press for pin application
- lot 33 Press for pin application
- lot 34 Press for pin application
- lot 35 screwdrivers
- lot 36 screwdrivers
- lot 37 screwdrivers
- lot 38 screwdrivers
- lot 42 scale for article counting and paint weightcombination including:

- lot 02 floor cleaning machine - lot 03 Piovan dryer - lot 04 Piovan dryer - lot 05 Dega dryer - lot 07 Euro Chiller external pump - lot 08 Fimas external blast chillers - lot 09 Fimas external blast chillers - lot 10 Refrigerator 500 / ton - lot 12 Dega mixer - lot 13 Virginio mixer - lot 14 Piovan mixer - lot 15 Mixer - lot 23 Monovia lattanzi - lot 24 Monovia lattanzi - lot 25 Press for assembling wedges - lot 26 Press for assembling wedges - lot 27 Press for heel application - lot 28 Press for heel application - lot 29 Press for heel application - lot 30 Press for heel application - lot 31 Press for heel application - lot 32 Press for pin application - lot 33 Press for pin application - lot 34 Press for pin application - lot 35 screwdrivers - lot 36 screwdrivers - lot 37 screwdrivers - lot 38 screwdrivers - lot 42 scale for article counting and paint weight


Loto i pezulluar për

Vlerësimi € 58.200,00

Çmimi i rezervuarit

Vlera minimale € 250,00

Premiumi i blerësit 10,00 %

Depozitë garancie: € 1.000,00

Shpenzimet administrative € 800,00

TVSH në llot 22,00 %nëse do të ishte e zbatueshme


Kërko informacion Kërko vizitë
  • Lote të kombinimit

  • Porosia për
    • Fjalëkalimi
    • Fjalëkalimi
    • Çmimet më të ulta
    • Çmimet më të larta
    • oferta
    • oferta
    • Më i popullarizuar
    • Më i popullarizuar
    • postimet e fundit
    • Fjalëkalimi
    • Shteti
    • numër
  • fshij të gjitha filtrot
CLote në shitje në kombinim
3 Lote

kombinacion 1|Shitje 4716

Fleta e lotit

Numana (AN) - Italy

 Work Equipment and Various Machinery
 Work Equipment and Various Machinery
 Work Equipment and Various Machinery
 Work Equipment and Various Machinery
CLote në shitje në kombinim
29 Lote
  • 24
  • 36
  • 48
Plastic working - Shoes components production
Plastic working - Shoes components production
Plastic working - Shoes components production
32 Lote
Ofertë e lirë
Ankand në Gobid.it

Plastic working - Shoes components production

Plastic working - Shoes components production

Shitje 4716

Gjykata e Ancona - C.P. n. 21/2014
Shitje n.7

Fri 25/01/2019 orë 15:00

Thu 14/02/2019 orë 15:00

Fletë Ankandi

Lote të lidhura

Banese në Sada - A Coruña
Lokal Komercial në Rrugën Fernando Macías - A Coruña
Apartament në Rrugën Juan Flórez - A Coruña
Karrige ngritëse Om DI40
50% e një banese në San Cristobal de la Laguna

50% e një banese në San Cristobal de la Laguna

Lot 1|Shitje 23073

Fleta e lotit

San Cristobal de la Laguna- Spain

Pajisje informatike
Materiale (profilë, aksesore dhe 38 kafazë ngarkese)
Mercedes Benz

Mercedes Benz

Lot 3|Shitje 23178

Fleta e lotit

A Coruña - Spain

Pajisje dhe pajisje informatike
Sharrë prerëse Mecal
Kompresori i Pushkës

Kompresori i Pushkës

Lot 5|Shitje 23178

Fleta e lotit

A Coruña - Spain

Pasuria industriale dhe Marka

Pasuria industriale dhe Marka

Lot 6|Shitje 23283

Fleta e lotit

San Martin de la Vega - Madrid

A keni nevojë për ndihmë?