Ora e serverit Sun 06/10/2024 orë 11:45 | Europe/Rome

Bed Plank Production Machinery - D

Lot 11

Shitje n.19602

Druri > Sezionimi - Prerje

  • Bed Plank Production Machinery - D 1
  • Bed Plank Production Machinery - D 2
  • Bed Plank Production Machinery - D 3
  • Bed Plank Production Machinery - D 4
  • Bed Plank Production Machinery - D 5
  • Bed Plank Production Machinery - D 6
  • + fotografi
In any case, the collection should absolutely be done before and no later than 13/10/2023
  • Përshkrim

The lot includes:

no. 1 machine for automatic assembly (to be used as spare parts) - ref. X49
no. 1 folder (to be used as spare parts) - ref. X32
no. 1 fixed grinding wheel (to be used as spare parts) - ref. X33
no. 1 PEDRAZZOLI linear pipe bender (to be used as spare parts) - ref. X6
no. 1 PEDRAZZOLI miter saw, mod. SUPERBROWN SPECIAL (to be used as spare parts) - ref. X11
no. 1 conveyor belt (to be used as spare parts) - ref. x46
no. 1 RADIAL 450 strip saw (to be used as spare parts) - ref. X47
no. 1 bench saw for strips (to be used as spare parts) - ref. x48


Loto i pezulluar për

Çmimi i rezervuarit

Vlera minimale € 50,00

Premiumi i blerësit 10,00 %

Depozitë garancie: € 600,00

Shpenzimet administrative € 100,00

TVSH në llot 22,00 %nëse do të ishte e zbatueshme


Kërko informacion Kërko vizitë
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8 Lote
Ankand në Gobid.it

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Production of frames for letters - Macchinari and props

Shitje 19602

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