Ora e serverit Sun 09/03/2025 orë 23:01 | Europe/Rome

Lot with machinery, equipment and tools

Lot 9

Shitje n.19796

Ndërtimi > Industria Ndërtimore

  • Lot with machinery, equipment and tools 1
  • Lot with machinery, equipment and tools 2
  • Lot with machinery, equipment and tools 3
  • Lot with machinery, equipment and tools 4
  • Lot with machinery, equipment and tools 5
  • Lot with machinery, equipment and tools 6
  • + fotografi
  • Përshkrim

The lot includes the following elements:

- Electric engine 50CV 3000 RPM D3 IE2
- Box printer
- Rib engober
- Pumps
- 3 enamelled cabins
- Diesel oil tank
- NBA 96V Battery 03PZS240 REF 3B

There may be a discrepancy between the attached listing and the items present. It is recommended to make a visit to check material and quantities.


Loto i pezulluar për

Vlerësimi € 6.268,70

Çmimi i rezervuarit

Vlera minimale € 100,00

Premiumi i blerësit 5,00 %

Depozitë garancie: € 500,00

Shpenzimet administrative € 588,00

TVSH në llot 21,00 %nëse do të ishte e zbatueshme


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