Industrial building in Curtatone (MN), Locality San Silvestro, Via Vittoria Gementi 85
The buildings are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Curtatone at sheet 36:
Parcel 128 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 19,630.53
Particle 129
Industrial warehouse used as storage for building materials, vehicles and equipment, with annexed rooms used as warehouses, workshop, toilets, compressor room, boiler room and office rooms located both on the ground floor and on the first floor.
In addition to the main plant, with an adjoining portico, there is, in a detached body, a single-storey building used as a laboratory and the electrical substation in a prefabricated structure.
Please note the presence of asbestos roofing for approximately 150 square meters.
The property was subject to thefts with the removal of plant parts as well.
The roof was partially damaged following hail, as better explained in the addendum to the attached appraisal.
The roof was partially damaged following hail, as better explained in the addendum to the attached appraisal.
The property is sold including the goods and materials contained therein, the costs for any disposal will be borne by the contractor.
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
It is also possible to request further documentation at e-mail pec adress
Площ: 3.835
Покривна конструкция: 145.2
Офиси: 293
Ниви: 13972