Време сервера Wed 01/01/2025 сати 15:51 | Europe/Rome

Real Estate in Via Ca 'Orecchiona n. 19, Thiene (VI)

Лоте 2

Продаја на аукцији n.5009

Недвижности > Индустријске Некретнине

  • Real Estate in Via Ca 'Orecchiona n. 19, Thiene (VI) 1
  • Real Estate in Via Ca 'Orecchiona n. 19, Thiene (VI) 2
  • Real Estate in Via Ca 'Orecchiona n. 19, Thiene (VI) 3
  • Опис

zone characteristics: the building is located in the small hamlet Ca' Orecchiona in the City of Thiene (VI) 1, located about 4 km from the city center.
The village is spread along the way Ca' Orecchiona, there are buildings mixed-use (residential, commercial and crafts).
Characteristics of adjacent areas: the mixed zone.
Main public connections (km): It is located near a major artery for the city of Thiene, the Provincial Road 111 - New Gasparona, which serves as a connecting artery between Thiene and Bassano del Grappa, with a path that winds from the Thiene exit - Schio exit of the Valdastico until the State Valsugana, in which you enter seamlessly towards Trento. To continue toward Padova you need to exit at Bassano Center.
There is a network of public transport in the City of Thiene (buses) that will not reach the village where the property is situated in the discussion.
Main services offered by area: at the Thiene town center are educational facilities (primary school, nursery, kindergarten), green spaces, parks, pharmacy, financial services, mail and retail stores.

Овај лот је део:

Combination of Machinery and artisanal building for woodworking
Combination of Machinery and artisanal building for woodworking
Combination of Machinery and artisanal building for woodworking
Combination of Machinery and artisanal building for woodworking
CПарцеле на продају у комбинацији
23 Лотес
Zatraži informacije Захтевај посету
Woodworking - Machinery and artisanal building
Woodworking - Machinery and artisanal building
Woodworking - Machinery and artisanal building
23 Лотес
Снижена цена
Аукција у Gobid.it

Woodworking - Machinery and artisanal building

Woodworking - Machinery and artisanal building

Продаја на аукцији 5009

Суд Vicenza - Пад. n. 40/2015
Продаја n.4

Mon 27/05/2019 сати 15:00

Wed 26/06/2019 сати 15:00

Фича Субаста

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