Време сервера Sun 22/12/2024 сати 16:28 | Europe/Rome

Business Unit in Milazzo (ME) - Nautical Sector

Лоте 1

Продаја на аукцији n.22320

Разно > Пословна јединица

  • Business Unit in Milazzo (ME) - Nautical Sector 1
  • Business Unit in Milazzo (ME) - Nautical Sector 2
  • Business Unit in Milazzo (ME) - Nautical Sector 3
  • Business Unit in Milazzo (ME) - Nautical Sector 4
  • Business Unit in Milazzo (ME) - Nautical Sector 5
  • Business Unit in Milazzo (ME) - Nautical Sector 6
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  • Опис

Business Unit in Milazzo (ME) - Nautical Sector

Business Unit whose object is the hauling, storage, launching, maintenance and repair of boats, carried out in the municipality of Milazzo (ME), including:

- System complete with New Jersey type fence with orsogrill for the entire perimeter of the area under concession with n. 5 entrance gates, multi-storey iron structures for the storage of boats, n. 1 sheet metal box for office use, n. 1 sheet metal construction site box for use with toilet facilities, slipway for hauling and launching boats with iron beams, pontoon structure for mooring operations, buoy field complete with dead bodies and mooring graves

- Vehicles and boats, such as:

Iveco Magirus 240e truck
Land Rover Defender car
Ford Transit van
Licensed road boat trolley
Maximal forklift
Forklift July
Eolo boat with Honda engine
Honda tender boat with Suzuki engine

- Equipment, such as towed boat trolleys, slipways, lateral supports, benches, trestles, baskets, ladders, scaffolding, transpallets and all the various equipment.

For further information see the appraisal in the annex


Лото суспендовано за

Резервна цена

Минимални_износ € 1.000,00

Премија купца 8,00 %

Депозит кауциона: € 12.000,00

ПДВ на лоту 22,00 %ако је применљиво


Zatraži informacije Захтевај посету
Company branch in Milazzo (ME) - Shipyard - PHASE 2
Company branch in Milazzo (ME) - Shipyard - PHASE 2
Company branch in Milazzo (ME) - Shipyard - PHASE 2
1 Лотес
Аукција у Gobid.it

Company branch in Milazzo (ME) - Shipyard - PHASE 2

Company branch in Milazzo (ME) - Shipyard - PHASE 2

Продаја на аукцији 22320

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