Време сервера Fri 03/01/2025 сати 01:51 | Europe/Rome

Office Furniture and Equipment - D

Лоте 29

Продаја на аукцији n.13548

Намештај и канцеларија > Разни намештај и опрема

  • Office Furniture and Equipment - D 1
  • Office Furniture and Equipment - D 2
  • Office Furniture and Equipment - D 3
  • Office Furniture and Equipment - D 4
  • Office Furniture and Equipment - D 5
  • Office Furniture and Equipment - D 6
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  • Опис

- reception desk as follows:
1 corner reception desk + 1 180 cm desk. + 2 chairs with wheels
+ 1 metal basket + 1 chest of drawers 4 drawers +
1 printer cabinet + 1 hp printer, 5-door cabinet length 2.55 meters + 1 cabinet 3 meters length with 3 doors, 1 coat rack + 1 cabinet 5 doors length 2.55 meters + 1 floor lamp
+ 1 table with marble top + 4 chairs with wheels + 2 fans +
1 hp monitor + 1 hp pc + 1 small desk + 1 shelf with fire extinguisher
+ 1 crt lg monitor + 1 keyboard + 1 hp compaq pc + 1 sat decoder +
1 cd-dvd player + 1 piooner amplifier + 1 mixer amplifier am 1122 +
1 elpro tzy08 video matrix + 1 laptop

- complete work station as follows:
1 desk of 180 cm. + 3 chairs with wheels + armchair with wheels + 1 chest of drawers 4
drawers + 1 hp pc + 1 asus monitor + mouse and keyboard + 1 printer cabinet + 1 hp printer + 1 semi-circular dividing structure

- complete work station as follows:
1 dividing structure + 1 desk 180 cm. + 4 chairs with wheels +1 pc dell
+ 1 philips monitor + mouse and keyboard + 1 drawer unit with 4 drawers + 1 door cabinet
printer + 1 basket + 1 floor lamp

- complete work station as follows:
1 desk of 180 cm. + 1 chest of drawers with 4 drawers + 2 printer cabinets
+ 4 chairs with wheels + 1 partition wall + floor lamp

- meeting room as follows:
1 table with glass top and metal structure (3 meters by 1.10) + 6 chairs with wheels + 1 coat rack

- office furniture as follows:
1 metal desk + 1 metal support surface + 5 chairs with wheels +
2 red poufs + 1 hp printer + 1 metal support cabinet +
3 stools + 1 large vase + 2 metal displays with central poster
+ 18 tall expostori + 1 price list holder structure + 5 fujitsu tv +
1 umbrella stand + 1 tall vase + 1 metal sofa + 1 trolley with wheels +
children's table + 3 small chairs + display cabinet with 4 low doors
1 metal bucket + 1 chair with wheels + structure with radio and speakers
2 wood and metal displays with central poster + 1 metal display
1 large vase + 1 light shelving + 4 low vases + 1 maxi battery charger 250-30

- workshop equipment and furnishings as follows:
1 chair with wheels + 1 compressor brand shamal model zm 350 year 1998
+ 1 tool trolley + 2 green baskets + 1 proxia diagnosis station
+ 1 portable booster + 1 tall cabinet + 1 desk + 1 chair
+ 1 hp pc + 1 samsung monitor + 1 laptop pc + various waste material
+ 1 glass marker + 1 1,500 kg jack. + 1 tool trolley
+ n. 4 light shelves of about 8 meters in length each


Лото суспендовано за

Резервна цена

Минимални_износ € 50,00

Премија купца 10,00 %

Депозит кауциона: € 500,00

Трошкови управе € 100,00

ПДВ на лоту 22,00 %ако је применљиво


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Продаја на аукцији 13548

Суд Milano - Пад. n. 220/2020
Продаја n.4

Fri 14/01/2022 сати 15:30

Thu 17/02/2022 сати 15:33

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