Време сервера Sun 28/07/2024 сати 00:20 | Europe/Rome

Lot of equipment, furniture and specialized facilities for a sports center or gym

Лоте 1

Продаја на аукцији n.21155

Разно > Третман Ваздуха - Течности

  • Lot of equipment, furniture and specialized facilities for a sports center or gym 1
  • Lot of equipment, furniture and specialized facilities for a sports center or gym 2
  • Lot of equipment, furniture and specialized facilities for a sports center or gym 3
  • Lot of equipment, furniture and specialized facilities for a sports center or gym 4
  • Lot of equipment, furniture and specialized facilities for a sports center or gym 5
  • Lot of equipment, furniture and specialized facilities for a sports center or gym 6
  • + слика
  • Опис

Lot of equipment, furniture and specialized facilities for a sports center or gym.

Some of the included elements are:
-Entrance/desk furniture
-Bathroom furniture
-Computer equipment (computers, monitors, telephones, peripherals, etc.)
-Aquatic exercise equipment
-Various gym machines

See all images for more details.
It is recommended to make a visit to check material and quantities.

To arrange a viewing please use the REQUEST VIEWING button in the website.


Лото суспендовано за

Оцена € 7.012,00

Резервна цена

Минимални_износ € 25,00

Премија купца 10,00 %

Депозит кауциона: € 700,00

Трошкови управе € 2.340,00

ПДВ на лоту 21,00 %ако је применљиво


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