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Business Unit - Pig Breeding Sector

Los 1

Aukce n.16322

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  • Business Unit - Pig Breeding Sector 1
  • Business Unit - Pig Breeding Sector 2
  • Business Unit - Pig Breeding Sector 3
  • Business Unit - Pig Breeding Sector 4
  • Business Unit - Pig Breeding Sector 5
  • Business Unit - Pig Breeding Sector 6
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Business Unit - Pig Breeding Sector

Economic activity consisting in the breeding of pigs. The business unit includes the plant where the activity takes place and the plants / equipment.

1.- ESTABLISHMENT AND LAND. Property number 21369, municipality of Vimianzo and belonging to the Property Registry of Corcubion (A Coruña). Volume 991 libreo 181 Folio 19.
Farm: "PRADO FIAL" also known as "PRADO DE EIROA" of 5,000 square meters, located in Riotorto, Municipality of Vimianzo. On the land is built a rectangular factory, ground floor only, for the use of pig breeding, of which 970.17 square meters correspond to the pig breeding and 13.17 square meters belong to the closet, bathroom and office. In addition there are two connected sewage collection pits, of 200 square meters in size, underground. The surface of the property is 1170.17 square meters.

The property is subject to charges, specified in the attached simle.


A) Feed SILOS with a capacity of 15,000 kg.

B) AUTOMATION OF BREEDING FACTORY WINDOWS. Allows the opening of the factory windows automatically for ventilation and heat control inside the same.

C) AUTOMATIC FEEDING SYSTEM. Hoppers and drinking troughs.

D) TOOLS. Various equipment: hammers, shovels, rakes and more.

The company did not work there under contract.


Pozastavená aukce pro

Rezervní cena

Tramo místní € 2.500,00

Prémie kupujícího 4,00 %

Vratná záloha: € 8.000,00

Ceny zobrazené bez DPH a poplatků podle zákona


Vyžádat si informace Objednat prohlídku
Company branch - Cattle - Pigs Breeding
Company branch - Cattle - Pigs Breeding
Company branch - Cattle - Pigs Breeding
1 Lotes

Company branch - Cattle - Pigs Breeding

Company branch - Cattle - Pigs Breeding

Aukce 16322

Soud A Coruna
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