Industrial building in Vittoria (RG), via Filippo Bonetta, Zona Artigianale Contrada Marangio
The property is registered at Real Estate Registry of Municipality of Vittoria at sheet 64:
Parcel 682 - Sub 1-7 - Category D/7
Parcel 682 - Sub 8-9-10-11 - Category D/1
The building has two main areas, one used by the artisan production area (workshop area), while the other has mainly a warehouse function for the storage of material from or for artisanal production, as well as spare parts material, mainly for the automotive, in addition to hosting the sales area and the office area.
It is also noted that there is a rental contract tacitly renewed in June 2022 for a further 9 years.
For further information consult attached Sale Notice
Plocha: 3.405