Serverzeit So 01/09/2024 Stunden 08:46 | Europe/Rome

Apartment in Sezze (LT) - LOT 1


Immobilien > Häuser und Wohnungen

  • Apartment in Sezze (LT) - LOT 1 1
  • Apartment in Sezze (LT) - LOT 1 2
  • Apartment in Sezze (LT) - LOT 1 3
  • Apartment in Sezze (LT) - LOT 1 4
  • Apartment in Sezze (LT) - LOT 1 5
  • Apartment in Sezze (LT) - LOT 1 6
  • + Foto
  • Beschreibung

OFFERS GATHERING - Apartment in Sezze (LT), Via Variante 58 - LOT 1

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Sezze at sheet 36:

Parcel 396 - Sub 5 - Category A/2 - Class 3 - Consistency 3 compartments - Cadastral Rent € 170.43

The apartment is located on the ground and first floor of a larger building.
Internally it features wooden window frames with double glazing, iron shutters, faux wood ceramic brick floors, bathroom with shower, classic internal doors in honeycomb wood and armored entrance door.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.

To make an offer you will need to register on the portal, click on the "Make an offer" button and follow the guided procedure to download the offer form.
The same must be returned signed, for acceptance of the proposed conditions, to the address together with the requested documentation.

Please check Sale Notice and specific conditions for further information concerning participation.

Gewerbefläche: 60.26

Fläche: 59,36

Mq Keller: 3.6


Auktion ausgesetzt durch

Käuferprämie 4,00 %


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