Serverzeit Mi 12/03/2025 Stunden 10:35 | Europe/Rome

Auto parts warehouse - Volkswagen, Audi, Seat and Skoda

Auktion n. 10360

Gericht von Madrid
Verkauf n.4

San Fernando de Henares - Spain

Auto parts warehouse - Volkswagen, Audi, Seat and Skoda - Bank n. 1522/2018 - Madrid Law Court n° 9 - Sale 4
Auto parts warehouse - Volkswagen, Audi, Seat and Skoda - Bank n. 1522/2018 - Madrid Law Court n° 9 - Sale 4
Auto parts warehouse - Volkswagen, Audi, Seat and Skoda - Bank n. 1522/2018 - Madrid Law Court n° 9 - Sale 4
5 Lose
Reduktion -75%
Di 23/02/2021 Stunden 12:00
Fr 26/03/2021 Stunden 12:26
  • Beschreibung

Auto parts warehouse - Volkswagen, Audi, Seat and Skoda

Bankruptcy n. 1522/2018 - Madrid Law Court n° 9

Spare parts warehouse for Volkswagen, Audi, Seat and Skoda cars on sale

For further information consult lot webpages
Collection assistance costs are required. Due amounts for the available day of collection are indicated in each lot webpage. For further collection dates additional costs please refer to specific terms of the auction.
Lots are sold as is. Viewing is reccomended.
  • Ansicht:By appointment
  • Kaution:EUR 4.600,00
  • Verwaltungskostenangewendet
  • Alle Filter löschen
  • 24
  • 36
  • 48

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