Serverzeit Mi 12/03/2025 Stunden 12:23 | Europe/Rome

Cotton trousers

Auktion n. 13178

Gericht von Padova - Bankr. n. 121/2020
Verkauf n.3

Marostica (VI) - Italy

Cotton trousers - Bank. 121/2020 - Padua L.C. - Sale 3
Cotton trousers - Bank. 121/2020 - Padua L.C. - Sale 3
Cotton trousers - Bank. 121/2020 - Padua L.C. - Sale 3
1 Los
Reduktion -40%
Asta immobiliare su
Asta immobiliare su
Mo 29/11/2021 Stunden 16:00
Mo 17/01/2022 Stunden 16:00
  • Beschreibung

Cotton trousers

Bankruptcy n. 121/2020 - Padua Law Court

On sale about 3523 cotton trousers of various sizes and colors

For further information consult lot webpages

Procedure is not registered to VIES. VAT is due also for intra-EU buyers.

the quantities may be subject to variations of +/- 5% compared to those indicated.

Lots are sold as is. Viewing is reccomended.
  • Ansicht:By appointment
  • Bezahlen:Bis 24/01/2022
  • Kaution:EUR 500,00
  • Verwaltungskostenangewendet

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