SARDINIA 1861, 5 cents. Yellowish green olive (SASS. No 13 Cc) horizontal pair on
lettara of 20 April 1862 by Mussomeli in Chiusa
rif. 18 - Book 3
Serverzeit Fr 17/01/2025 Stunden 08:13 | Europe/Rome
Kunst und Sammlerstücke > Sammlerstücke
SARDINIA 1861, 5 cents. Yellowish green olive (SASS. No 13 Cc) horizontal pair on
lettara of 20 April 1862 by Mussomeli in Chiusa
rif. 18 - Book 3
Di 11/05/2021 Stunden 15:30
Do 17/06/2021 Stunden 15:36
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Offida (AP) - Italy
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Santa Venerina (CT) - Italy
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Santa Venerina (CT) - Italy
Kunst und Sammlerstücke
Santa Venerina (CT) - Italy