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Building complex in Umbertide (PG)


Real Estate > Houses and Apartments

  • Building complex in Umbertide (PG) 1
  • Building complex in Umbertide (PG) 2
  • Building complex in Umbertide (PG) 3
  • Building complex in Umbertide (PG) 4
  • Building complex in Umbertide (PG) 5
  • Building complex in Umbertide (PG) 6
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  • Description

OFFERS GATHERING - Building complex in Umbertide (PG), Locality San Bartolomeo

Full ownership rights equal to 1/1 on the real estate compendium located in the Municipality of Umbertide, Loc. San Bartolomeo dei Fossi, consisting of n. 4 buildings for residential use, as well as warehouses and land with a total surface area of 53,008 m2 (between covered and uncovered surfaces), divided into two bodies, separated from each other by the public road.
This is an agricultural area, reachable from Preggio via the SP142.
The portion of the property where the buildings are present is entirely fenced and accessible via no. 3 driveway gates; the remaining part of agricultural land, also fenced, is accessible via a metal driveway gate.
The main building is represented by a high residential building on two floors above ground, plus an unusable attic, presumably built before 1967.
The ground floor is divided into an entrance hall, living room, kitchen, pantry and bathroom; there is also a porch. On the first floor, accessible via a wooden staircase, there are n. 5 bedrooms, two bathrooms and a terrace. Through a trapdoor located in the small hallway on the first floor, you enter an attic that is not practicable. The property was in poor maintenance and conservation conditions; it needs major renovations to be made usable again, including maintenance works on the roof as there are evident traces of water infiltration.
Near the main building there is a second building for residential use, also presumably built before 1967. The basement includes rooms used as storage rooms and cellars, as well as a small porch, while the ground floor, accessible via both an external and internal staircase, is divided entrance, dining-living room, kitchen, hallway, study, two bedrooms and two bathrooms; there is also a terrace.
The property is in poor maintenance and conservation conditions; it needs major renovations to be made usable again, including maintenance works on the roof as there are evident traces of water infiltration.
Adjacent to the latter building there is a basement on a single floor of irregular shape, used as a warehouse/tool shed, with a corrugated sheet roof and brick mantle, with load-bearing walls almost entirely made with reinforced concrete partitions and fixtures in metal on the uncovered fronts. The building is substantially devoid of systems and finishes.
Almost in structural continuity with these buildings, there is a building under renovation/construction made with reinforced concrete partitions for the basement part and poroton-type load-bearing masonry for the upper floors; internally it is unfinished, there are only some partitions on the ground floor. The ground and first floors are intended for housing while the basement is used as a property.
On the back of the buildings, in the south-west corner of the property, there is a masonry building used as dog kennels with related metal fences. In the northern part of the property there are the sports facilities, consisting of a swimming pool, a tennis court and a bowling alley.
Adjacent to the swimming pool there is also a building made of masonry, with a flat roof and plastered and painted facades. The building rises on three floors above ground plus the roof used as a terrace. The ground floor houses funds, changing rooms and bathrooms; the first floor, reachable via an external staircase, is divided into an entrance hall, kitchenette, two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a closet, there is also a terrace; the second floor, which can also be reached via an external staircase which also leads to the roof slab, is unfinished. As for the finishes and systems, the property was in poor maintenance and conservation conditions; it needs major renovations to be made usable again.
The swimming pool and the tennis court appear to be in a poor state of maintenance and conservation. It was not possible to identify the bowling green present in the cadastral maps and in the permits issued by the Municipality of Umbertide as it is now completely covered and made unusable by the vegetation that has grown over the years.
The lands surrounding the buildings described above, which are part of the body located to the east of the SP142, are mostly occupied by woods, as well as spontaneous shrub and herbaceous vegetation.
The lands constituting the body located west of the SP142 are occupied by woods and wooded pastures.

The buildings are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Umbertide at sheet 133:
Parcel74 sub 4 - Category A/2 - Class 4 - Consistency 10 compartments - cadastral area 230 m2 - Cadastral Rent €877.98;
Parcel 74 sub 5 - floor S1-T-1 - Category A/2 - Class 4 - Consistency 9 compartments - cadastral area 260 m2 - Cadastral Rent €790.18;
Parcel 74 sub 6 - floor S1-T - Category A/2 - Class 4 - Consistency 8 compartments - cadastral area 201 m2 - Cadastral Rent €702.38;
Parcel 74 sub 7 - floor T-1-2 - Category A/2 - Class 4 - Consistency 8 compartments - cadastral area 249 m2 - Cadastral Rent€702.38;
Parcel 74 sub 8 - floor S1 - Category AC/2 - Class 4 - Consistency 127 sq m - cadastral area 142 sq m - Cadastral Rent €360.74

The lands are registered at Land Registry of City of Umbertide at sheet 133:
Parcel 66 - Mixed forest - Class 2 - Surface area 5,170 m2 - R.D. €4.01 - R.A. €0.53;
Parcel 67 - Arable land - Class 5 - Surface area 1,880 m2 - R.D. € 0.97 - R.A. €0.87;
Parcel 68 - Coppice - Class 4 - Surface area 2,870 m2 - R.D. € 0.59 - R.A. €0.15;
Parcel 69 - Bushy pasture - Class 2 - Surface area 3,830 m2 - R.D. €0.99 - R.A. €0.79;
Parcel 70 - Bushy pasture - Class 2 - Surface area 1,800 m2 - R.D. €0.46 - R.A. €0.37;
Parcel 90 - Coppice - Class 4 - Surface area 580 m2 - R.D. €0.12 - R.A. €0.03;
Parcel 126 - Arable land with trees - Class 4 - Surface area 419 m2 - R.D. € 0.65 - R.A. €0.54;
Parcel 127 - Arable land with trees - Class 4 - Surface area 1,037 m2 - R.D. € 1.61 - R.A. €1.34;
Parcel 141 - Arable land - Class 5 - Surface area 3,907 m2 - R.D. € 2.02 - R.A. €1.82;
Parcel 142 - Arable land - Class 5 - Surface area 38 m2 - R.D. € 0.02 - R.A. €0.02;
Parcel 144 - Arable land - Class 5 - Surface area 181 m2 - R.D. €0.09 - R.A. €0.08;
Parcel 145 - Arable land - Class 5 - Surface area 13 m2 - R.D. €0.01 - R.A. €0.01;
Parcel 146 - Arable land - Class 5 - Surface area 6 m2 - R.D. €0.01 - R.A. €0.01;
Parcel 503 - Arable land with trees - Class 4 - Surface area 8,782 m2 - R.D. € 13.61 - R.A. €11.34;
Parcel 505 - Arable land - Class 5 - Surface area 1,776 m2 - R.D. € 0.92 - R.A. €0.83.

It should be noted that the land is registered in the land register as Omissis.

The CTU verified the correspondence of the state of the places with respect to the cadastral plans, while with regard to the urban planning correspondence, the following is highlighted:
- the kennel was built without the necessary qualifications, therefore it will have to be removed;
- the building housing the pumps located along the public road that runs along the south side of the property was built without the necessary qualifications
- enabling, therefore it must be removed;
- the building used as a warehouse is different from what was authorized with the practical concession n. 177/92, prot. no. 6460 of 10/22/1993; provision must be made for restoring the building to its original state in accordance with the project.
- As for the fences that delimit the property, no authorization was found at the municipal technical offices in charge.
- It should also be noted that the usability certificate has not been found for any of the buildings.

The purchaser will have to arrange for the regularization of such discrepancies at his own expense; of the costs for the
restoration/removal works.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.

To make an offer you will need to register on the portal, click on the "Make an offer" button and follow the guided procedure to download the offer form.
The same must be returned signed, for acceptance of the proposed conditions, to the address together with the requested documentation.

Please check Sale Notice and specific conditions for further information concerning participation.

Retail surface: 53008 sqm

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ID Inserzione2110236
ID Procedura785275
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0540390094
TribunaleTribunale di PERUGIA
Anno Procedura1997
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid International Auction Group Srl
    ID Anagrafica4304044
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto1924745
Descrizione (IT)RACCOLTA OFFERTE - Compendio immobiliare ad Umbertide (PG), Località San Bartolomeo - vendita telematica sulla piattaforma n.20863
Primo Identificativo1924745
IndirizzoLocalità San Bartolomeo
  • Bene
    ID Bene2551482
    Descrizione (IT)Diritti di piena proprietà pari ad 1/1 su compendio immobiliare ubicato in Comune di Umbertide, Loc. San Bartolomeo dei Fossi, costituito da n. 4 fabbricati ad uso abitativo, oltre a magazzini e terreni di superficie complessiva pari a 53.008 mq (tra superficie coperta e scoperta), suddivisi in due corpi, separati tra loro dalla strada pubblica. Trattasi di zona agricola, raggiungibile dalla località Preggio tramite la SP142. La porzione di proprietà ove presenti i fabbricati è interamente recintata ed accessibile tramite n. 3 cancelli carrabili; la restante parte di terreni agricoli, anch’essa recintata, è accessibile mediante un cancello carrabile metallico. Il fabbricato principale è rappresentato da un edificio residenziale elevato su due piani fuori terra, oltre sottotetto non praticabile, realizzato presumibilmente prima del 1967. Il piano terra è suddiviso in ingresso, soggiorno, cucina, dispensa e bagno; è inoltre presente un portico. Al piano primo, accessibile mediante scala in legno, sono presenti n. 5 camere, due bagni ed un terrazzo. Mediante botola posta nel piccolo disimpegno del piano primo si accede ad un sottotetto non praticabile. L’immobile versava in pessime condizioni di manutenzione e conservazione; necessita di importanti interventi di ristrutturazione per essere reso di nuovo fruibile, ivi comprese opere di manutenzione in copertura in quanto presenti evidenti tracce di infiltrazione di acqua. Vicino al fabbricato principale è presente un secondo fabbricato ad uso residenziale anch’esso edificato presumibilmente anteriormente al 1967. Il piano seminterrato accoglie locali adibiti a fondi e cantine, oltre piccolo portico, mentre il piano terra, accessibile tramite sia scala esterna che interna è suddiviso in ingresso, pranzo-soggiorno, cucina, disimpegno, studio, due camere e due bagni; è inoltre presente un terrazzo. L’immobile versa in pessime condizioni di manutenzione e conservazione; necessita di importanti interventi di ristrutturazione per essere reso di nuovo fruibile, ivi comprese opere di manutenzione in copertura in quanto presenti evidenti tracce di infiltrazione di acqua. Adiacente a quest’ultimo fabbricato vi è un manufatto seminterrato su unico piano di forma irregolare, adibito a magazzino/rimessa attrezzi, con copertura in lamiera grecata e manto in laterizio, con murature portanti per la quasi totalità realizzate con setti in calcestruzzo armato e infissi in metallo nei fronti scoperti. Il manufatto risulta sostanzialmente sprovvisto di impianti e finiture. Quasi in continuità strutturale con questi edifici, vi è un fabbricato in corso di ristrutturazione/costruzione realizzato con setti in calcestruzzo armato per la parte seminterrata e muratura portante tipo poroton per i piani in elevazione; internamente si presenta al grezzo, sono presenti solo alcune partizioni del piano terra. I piani terra e primo sono destinati ad abitazione mentre il piano seminterrato è adibito a fondo. Sul retro dei fabbricati, nell’angolo sud-ovest della proprietà, è presente un manufatto in muratura adibito a cucce per cani con relative recinzioni metalliche. Nella parte nord della proprietà sono situati gli impianti sportivi, rappresentati da una piscina, un campo da tennis ed un campo da bocce. In adiacenza alla piscina è inoltre presente un fabbricato realizzato in muratura, con copertura in piano e facciate intonacate e tinteggiate. L’edificio si eleva su tre piani fuori terra oltre il piano copertura adibito a terrazzo. Il piano terra ospita fondi, spogliatoi e bagni; il piano primo, raggiungibile mediante scala esterna, è suddiviso in ingresso, angolo cottura, due camere, due bagni e ripostiglio, è inoltre presente un terrazzo; il piano secondo, anch’esso raggiungibile tramite scala esterna che conduce anche al lastrico di copertura, si trova al grezzo. I terreni circostanti i fabbricati sopra descritti sono per lo più occupati da bosco
    Primo Identificativo2551482
    IndirizzoLocalità San Bartolomeo
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oraTue 20 February 2024 at 12:002024-02-20T12:00:00
Indirizzovendita telematica sulla piattaforma
Prezzo base192.400,00
Offerta Minima192.400,00
Rialzo Minimo2.500,00
Termine Presentazione OfferteTue 20 February 2024 at 12:002024-02-20T12:00:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione08/01/20242024-01-08

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