OFFERS GATHERING - Garage in Foligno (PG), Via Elisei - LOT 11
The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Foligno at sheet 201:
Parcel 863 - Sub 6 - Category C/6 - Class 4 - Consistency 335 sqm- Cadastral Rent € 346.02
Local garage located in the historic center of the city about 70/80 meters from Piazza della Repubblica, an area with a strong commercial concentration.
Planimetrically it is similar to a long rectangle made up of two communicating rooms, one that can be used as a garage, the other as a warehouse, connected by a masonry ladder necessary to compensate for the different levels that each room has.
There is a connecting staircase with the overlying ground floor used as a shop (LOT 4).
The property is currently free.
For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.
Please check Sale Notice and specific conditions for further information concerning participation.
Retail surface: 325 sqm
Area: 325 sqm