Logistical Area in Trento-Roncafort Intermodal-Logistic Centre
"Interbrennero Spa company has received an expression of interest aimed at launching a deal for purchase of an area of around 35,000 sited within the intermodal terminal of Trento-Roncafort, an area where two machining tracks exist.
The company intends to verify the existence of any other operators involved in transaction.
To this end, this notice is issued to solicit expression of interest which will be taken into consideration if they arrive untimely by 12.00 am on 31 October 2017, addressing them at Interbrennero S.p.A., Direction, via Innsbruck 13-15 - 38121 Trento.
For the contents and the ways of presenting expression of interest, and also for possible viewing of property: dott. Tarolli Flavio Maria, tel. 0461993244 e-mail interbrennero@legalmail.it"
For further information consult attached notice
For further information consult attached notice
Area: 35.000 sqm