Industrial building in San Giustino (PG), Via Cristoforo Colombo
The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of San Giustino at sheet 58:
Parcel 584 - Sub. 5 - Category C/3 - Class 1 - Consistency 178 sqm - Cadastral rent € 625.12
Parcel 1181/1321/584 - Sub. 7 - Category D/7 - R.C. €2,724.00
Particle 1320 - External court - Pro-quota rights
The property in question is spread over two floors, ground and first.
The ground floor has access from the common courtyard to other units.
Internally it is divided into several areas with heights that vary according to the intended use from 3.25 meters to the highest part of 6.45 meters.
The first floor is accessible via an external staircase and has a height of 3.80 meters.
In the lower part of the building there is a mezzanine for storage use.
It should be noted that in the event of an offer deemed appropriate, the trustee will take over the leasing contracts and sell the assets themselves on the basis of the competitive offers received.
For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.
To make an offer you will need to register on the portal, click on the "Make an offer" button and follow the guided procedure to download the offer form.
The same must be returned signed, for acceptance of the proposed conditions, to the address together with the requested documentation.
Please check Sale Notice and specific conditions for further information concerning participation.