Commercial premise in Avigliano (PZ), Corso Garibaldi 164
The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Avigliano at sheet 87:
Parcel 146 - sub.10 - Category C/1 - Class 6 – Consistency 28 sqm – Cadastral Rent € 344.17
The commercial space in question is located on the ground floor of a larger building, access is directly from the public road and internally it consists of a single room with a net surface area of 27.10 m2 and an internal height of m. 2.62, there is a small room located under the stairs with a net surface area of approx. 2.30 and with variable height from m. 0.20 to 1.75, in which there is a hygienic toilet and a sink.
The real estate unit is the subject of a rental contract with a duration of 6 + 6 years starting from 01.05.2013 with tacit renewal if no cancellation occurs by one of the contracting parties. The rent is equal to €1,200.00 per year.
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
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