OFFER COLLECTION - Building land in Senigallia (AN), via Borgo Panni, Frazione Vallone - LOT 1
The lands are registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Senigallia on Sheet 92:
Parcel 86-87-88-89-502-503-504-505-506-507-510-511-512-515-532
The area in question is located on the outskirts of the built-up area of the Vallone district, about 5 km from the municipality.
The district has typical characteristics of small urban centers, with the presence of shops and some public facilities.
Overall, the area is flat and about 2/3 should be designated as green space.
Urbanistically, the area falls within zone CR2/G, primarily for residential use, excluding parcels 86-87-88-89 which fall within homogeneous territorial zone E.
The completion of the neighborhood road must be finalized, and the green area of 9,008 sqm and the public parking of 682 sqm must be transferred.
The gross usable area still to be realized is approximately 2,250 sqm.
For further information, please consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Area: 17.313 sqm