Land in Santa Bárbara - Tenerife - Calle Olivillo 12 - LOT 3
Cadastral Reference- 4693140CS3349S0001HR – sqm 117
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Server time Sat 21/12/2024 at 06:57 | Europe/Rome
Land in Santa Bárbara - Tenerife - Calle Olivillo 12 - LOT 3
Cadastral Reference- 4693140CS3349S0001HR – sqm 117
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Suspended Lot for
Bid increment € 1.000,00
Buyer's Premium 4,00 %
Deposit: € 6.060,00
Prices indicate excluded VAT and fees as by law
Fri 12/05/2023 at 16:00
Thu 08/06/2023 at 16:00
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