OFFER COLLECTION - Building and non-building land plots in Gragnano Trebbiense (PC), via Roma/ Provincial Road n.7 - LOT 9
For the sales related to this auction, the company declares its choice to apply VAT, and the option will be formalized at the time of the deed of sale
The lands are registered at:
Land Registry of the Municipality of Gragnano Trebbiense on Sheet 23:
Parcel 127 - Sub. 4 - Urban area - Area 685 sqm
Parcel 127 - Sub. 5 - Urban area - Area 216 sqm
Parcel 127 - Sub. 6 - Urban area - Area 2,135 sqm
Parcel 126 - Category D/1 - R.C. € 62.00
Land Registry of the Municipality of Gragnano Trebbiense on Sheet 23:
Parcel 128 - Irrigated arable land - Class 2 - Area 2 sqm - R.D. €1.82 - R.A. € 1.80
Parcel 93 - Coppice forest - Area 421 sqm - R.D. € 0.65 - R.A. € 0.09
These lands are part of an area originally designated as "consolidated urban areas - predominantly commercial urban fabrics", equipped with a land utilization index of 0.40 sqm/sqm.
For the area, to be implemented through direct intervention, a commercial building for the retail sale of food products has been constructed, with Building Permit n.0014/11 of 03.04.2012, equipped with parking spaces related to the activity of another property.
Additionally, with the same Building Permit, common areas for green spaces, roadways, and parking have been equipped.
The building and its appurtenances constitute subaltern 1 and have already been sold to third parties.
Subalterns 4 and 5 are building lots, on which a total land area (sqm 3,036) can yield approximately sqm 2,000 of Usable Area, resulting in a specific land index of 0.66 sqm/sqm.
The building lots (subalterns 4, 5, and 6) are on natural land, equipped with all utility connections, thus fully urbanized and ready for land use.
For further information, please consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
To make an offer, it will be necessary to register on the portal, click on the "Make an offer" button and follow the guided procedure to download the offer form.
This must be sent back signed, for acceptance of the proposed conditions, to the address together with the requested documentation.
For more information regarding participation, please consult the Sale Notice and the specific sales conditions.
Server time Wed 12/03/2025 at 11:03 | Europe/Rome