Server time Wed 12/03/2025 at 18:54 | Europe/Rome

Home furnishings

Auction n. 25941

Law court of Perugia - Eredità Giacente n. 6787/2020
Sale n.7

Perugia (PG) - Italy

Home furnishings - unclaimed inheritance - no. 6787/2020 - Court of Perugia - Sale 7
1 Lot
Reduction -100%
Free bid
Asta immobiliare su
Asta immobiliare su
Thu 06/02/2025 at 16:30
Fri 14/03/2025 at 16:30
  • Description

Home furnishings

Unclaimed inheritance no. 6787/2020 - Court of Perugia


For sale home furnishings such as modular kitchen, table with wooden top and 4 chairs, as well as an HP personal computer and Kennex washing machine

For more information, consult the individual lot sheets

The procedure is not registered with the VIES. VAT will therefore be due even for intra-community buyers.

The lots are sold as seen and liked in their current condition. Viewing is recommended.

At the end of the auction, for the best offers received below the reserve price, the award will be subject to approval by the procedure bodies. 

The reserve price is indicated in the lot sheet. Offers significantly lower than the reserve price will have less chance of being considered for a possible award. The lower the difference between the offer submitted and the reserve price, the higher the chance of award. 

Offers equal to or higher than the reserve price will result in the provisional award of the lot.

  • Viewing:by appointment - 11/03/2025
  • Deposit:EUR 50,00
  • Additional management feesapplied
  • Attached documents (1)

Available Lots (1)

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