The lot includes:
Lafayette brand transceiver mod. AL-30D - ref. 51
box with stripper for unvulcanized semiconductor - ref. 189
box with cable stripper for cable insulation with handle and inserts of various sizes - ref. 190
n. 2 Wika Scandura Pascal 100 / IS multifunction calibrator - ref. 191
Scandura B-20/IS calibration - ref. 192
Honeywell configurator MCTT202 (damaged) - ref. 193
Digimaster DM3900 plus digital multimeter - ref. 194
tester Kyoritsu mod. 3131A - ref. 195
honeywell - ref. 197
tester Kyoritsu mod. 3124 - ref. 202
wooden case with Elsi 4-wire PT100 sensor - ref. 205
Testo 316-2 leak detector, with case - ref. 206
H25 sensors, presumably expired and not working (about 40) - ref. 209
n. 9 Scadura brand vacuum pumps - ref. 210
n. 2 Digitron 2022P brand pressure gauge - ref. 211
Druck UPS-II loop calibrator - ref. 212
Digitron P200AHS pressure gauge - ref. 213
Eirelec 5000 PM monometer - ref. 214
Eldes ELD 9106 digital multimeter - ref. 215
temperature calibrator brand Scadura MF-L - ref. 380
Server time Mon 10/03/2025 at 16:33 | Europe/Rome