AT AUCTION Building land in Trissino (VI)
The land has an area of 910 sqm and is currently used as a garden.
It falls within the Z.T.O. B2 zone, existing residential and completion, partly in the ZTO - FC, areas for park equipment, play and sports – standard.
The aforementioned properties are also subject to the following constraints:
- part environmental constraint;
- part environmental constraint and part river respect.
Land Registry of the Municipality of Trissino on Sheet 18:
Parcel 371 - Irrigated arable land with trees - Class 2 - Size 910 sqm - R.D. €7.28 - R.A. € 4.70
For further information, please consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Retail surface: 910 sqm
Area: 637 sqm