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Commercial properties in Torregrotta (ME)


Real Estate > Commercial Properties

  • Commercial properties in Torregrotta (ME) 1
  • Description


Preventive Agreement no. 6/2017


The judicial liquidator in the Concordat no. 6/2017 Mesina Court,


that by October 4, 2024, at 12:00, at the office of the Bankruptcy Office, Mesina Court, sealed offers will be collected for the following real estate properties located in the municipality of Torregrotta as part of the "Building intended for productive and commercial activities in Torregrotta (Messina), consisting of three separate bodies connected by technical joints, two above-ground levels, plus a basement and a mezzanine between the ground floor and the first floor, for productive settlement for artisanal and commercial activities, divided into the following lots:

LOT 1 - Real estate unit for storage located in the basement, in the land registry, sheet 2, part 2693 sub 3, category D/8. Gross floor area approximately 1,466.36 sqm, plus accessories and appurtenances for a total of 2,378.01 sqm.
Base price € 827,820.00; Minimum offer (pursuant to art. 571 cpc) € 620,865.00, plus VAT in accordance with the law.

LOT 2 - Real estate unit for storage located in the basement, in the land registry sheet 2, part 2693 sub 2, category D/8. Gross floor area approximately 444.53 sqm, plus accessories and appurtenances for a total of 718.11 sqm..
Base price € 248,815.00; Minimum offer (pursuant to art. 571 cpc) € 186,611.25, plus VAT in accordance with the law.

LOT 3 - Real estate unit for production area located on the ground floor and mezzanine intended for offices, in the land registry sheet 2, part 2693 sub 4, category D/8. Gross floor area approximately 1,475.93 sqm, plus accessories and appurtenances for a total of 2,426.82 sqm.
Base price € 841,665.00; Minimum offer (pursuant to art. 571 cpc) € 631,248.75, plus VAT in accordance with the law.

LOT 4 - Real estate unit for storage located on the ground floor and mezzanine of a structure intended for artisanal-commercial use, located in Torregrotta (ME), Viale Europa, 92. Identified in the land registry sheet 2 of the Municipality of Torregrotta, part 2693 sub 4, category D/8. Gross floor area approximately 597.49 sqm, plus accessories and appurtenances for a total of 981.74 sqm..
Base price € 340,658.00; Minimum offer (pursuant to art. 571 cpc) € 255,493.50, plus VAT in accordance with the law.

LOT 5 - Real estate unit for storage located on the first floor of a structure intended for artisanal-commercial use, located in Torregrotta (ME), identified in the land registry sheet 2 of the Municipality of Torregrotta, part 2693 sub 5, category D/8. Gross floor area approximately 960.45 sqm, plus accessories and appurtenances for a total of 2,536.20 sqm..
Base price € 621,455.00; Minimum offer (pursuant to art. 571 cpc) € 466,091.25, plus VAT in accordance with the law.

All as better identified and described in the feasibility study for the subdivision into lots drawn up by the architect Nunziatina Pino, as well as in the expert report relating to the entire building (now divided into the aforementioned lots from 1 to 5), to which reference is made for any further information and details regarding the lots subject to this notice.

The offers will not be binding for the bankruptcy procedure which, at its sole discretion, subject to the acquisition of opinions and authorizations, may proceed with the sale, not being bound to accept the offer.
This announcement and the receipt of any expressions of interest do not entail any obligation on the part of the procedure nor any commitment to sell to any potential bidders, nor any rights for any reason in favor of third parties.

Interested parties are invited to view the notice published in the attachment.

Further information can be obtained at the judicial liquidator's office of Dr. Gaetano Panzera, in Messina, via Giordano Bruno, no. 75, pec of the procedure, telephone numbers 090.695475 mobile 393.9847161
  • Attached documents (1)

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