OFFER COLLECTION - Building land in Fiumicino (Rome), Via Idra/Via Geminiano Montanari
The lands are registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Fiumicino on Sheet 726:
Parcel 235 - 236 - 237 - 238 - 239 - 240 - 241 - 242 - 243 - 244 - 289 - 290 - 246 - 280 - 281 - 282 - 283 - 284 - 285 - 286 - 287 - 288 - 252
The area, currently without any use, has a regular geometric shape, resulting from the sum of the various parcels involved, has a land area of about 200,480 sqm and is flat.
The area is characterized by the presence of agricultural lands intended for parking to serve Fiumicino airport, located nearby, along the SW side with Leonardo Da Vinci airport, SE with the A91 Rome-Fiumicino highway, NW with other lands and some commercial/craft activities and NE with a block of residential buildings that separates the area from the A12 Rome – Civitavecchia artery.
The area falls among the landscape assets referred to in art. 134 letter b, of Legislative Decree 42/04 as it is included in the list referred to in art. 143 letter f) of Legislative Decree 42/04: "national or regional parks and reserves. As well as the external protection areas of the parks".
The perimeter of the Roman Coast Reserve, established by D.M. 29.03.1996, includes the area within it, placing it in type 2 zone (less protection).
Law 58/63 "Obstacle Map" in the airport surroundings has established, through specific mapping, a limitation on the construction of obstacles and/or heights for new buildings. In this case, the area falls within the flight cone aligned with runway no.2 with a surface having a slope of 1/50, which limits the buildable height linearly from a minimum value of 12 m to a maximum value determined by linear increments along the continuation of the runway axis of one meter every fifty meters, therefore starting from the southwest boundary perpendicular to Via Idra from 25 meters to about 36 meters at the opposite boundary.
Based on the acoustic classification adopted by the C.C del. n° 98 of 25.07.02, the intervention area falls into class IV (Areas of intense human activity).
For further information, please consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Area: 203.270 sqm