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Stores in Vicenza - Olmo di Creazzo Locality


Real Estate > Commercial Properties

  • Stores in Vicenza - Olmo di Creazzo Locality 1
  • Description



proceed with the sale without auction of the real estate compendium pertaining to the Bankruptcy Multicenter Costruzioni srl, described as follows:


In the Municipality of Vicenza, Olmo di Creazzo

- full ownership of the property:

Sheet 52, cadastral map 18 sub. 17, shop ground floor with attached bathroom and dressing room of approx. 90 sqm, warehouse of approx. 80 sqm at basement

The base auction price is determined at € 32,000.00 plus VAT, if due.


In the Municipality of Vicenza, Olmo di Creazzo locality

- full ownership of the following properties:

Fg. 52, Maps:

- 18 sub. 31 shop first floor with attached bathroom and dressing room of approx. 154 sqm;
- 18 sub. 38 shop first floor, sqm 307;
- 18 sub. 73, garage basement, sqm 22;
- 18 sub. 85, garage basement, sqm 16;
- 18 sub. 100, garage basement, sqm 21;
- 18 sub. 107, warehouse basement, sqm 282;
- 18 sub. 123, garage basement, sqm 21;
- 18 sub. 164, warehouse basement, sqm 37;
- 18 sub. 165, warehouse basement, sqm 56;
- 18 sub. 166, warehouse basement, sqm 25;

The bae auction price is determined at € 35,000.00 plus VAT, if due.

All this, in the state of fact and law in which the asset is found.

Offers not lower than the basic price must be sent in a closed packet to be deposited in Chancellor's Office of Verona Law Court - Bankruptcy Section - by 12.00 am on 12.10.2020 together with a non-transferable cashier's check as a deposit, made out to the "Multicenter Costruzioni srl n. 8006/2000 rf Tribunale di Verona ", of 10% of the price offered;

If more offers are filed, the G.D. will proceed pursuant to art. 573 C.P.C. giving notice to all bidders of the hearing that this will be fixed for this purpose, as well as the relative procedures, indicating as of now the minimum increase of the amount of € 2,000.00 for the bids.

For further information consult attached Sale Notice
  • Attached documents (3)

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