Server time Sun 30/06/2024 at 05:29 | Europe/Rome

Deposits of blood and viscera

Lot 8

Auction n.23096

Food and restaurant > Other Machinery

  • Deposits of blood and viscera 1
  • Deposits of blood and viscera 2
  • Deposits of blood and viscera 3
  • Deposits of blood and viscera 4
  • Deposits of blood and viscera 5
  • Deposits of blood and viscera 6
  • + foto
  • Description

Deposits of blood and viscera

Lots are sold in as-is condition.
We recommend a visit to check the material.

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Suspended Lot for

appraisal price € 8.200,00

Bid increment € 250,00

Buyer's Premium 10,00 %

Deposit: € 1.000,00

Additional management fees € 250,00

VAT on the lot 21,00 %where applicable

Prices indicate excluded VAT and fees as by law


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Warehouse and machinery for meat products in Agolada
30 Lots

Warehouse and machinery for meat products in Agolada

Warehouse and machinery for meat products in Agolada

Auction 23096

Law court of Pontevedra n. 2
Sale n.3

Fri 07/06/2024 at 13:30

Thu 27/06/2024 at 14:33

Auction Details

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