Residential and laboratory in Cerea (VR), Via Isolella 81/A-B-C - LOT C7
The property is registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Cerea on Sheet 7:
Parcel 209 - Sub. 4 - Category A/3 - Class 2 - Size 5 rooms - R.C. € 309.87
Parcel 209 - Sub. 5 - Category C/1 - Class 4 - Size 175 sqm - R.C. € 1,852.79
Parcel 209 - Sub. 7 - BCNC
The building complex consists of three adjacent buildings, two of which rise on two above-ground levels and one larger central building on three above-ground levels.
The properties subject to appraisal are distributed in the southern portion of the complex as follows: m.n. 209 sub 4 on two levels actually occupying the first building; m.n. 209 sub 5 extends over 3 above-ground levels, occupying half of the larger building, as well as only on the ground floor of the building towards the Menago river. It is noted that a portion of the first floor on the southern side is occupied by a portion of a neighboring property owned by third parties.
They are registered as residential and laboratory, but in fact, two residential units have been created from the laboratory: one on the ground floor and the other on the first floor.
They develop as follows:
- Sub. 4 - Ground floor divided into kitchen, living room, and connecting staircase. - First floor divided into 2 bedrooms, hallway, and bathroom.
- Sub. 5 - Ground floor (residential at number 81/c): kitchen, staircase. Ground floor, first and second (residential at number 81/b): entrance on the ground floor and connecting staircase, on the first floor: kitchen, living room, and bathroom; second floor: hallway and 2 bedrooms.
The general maintenance condition of the property can be defined as mediocre.
There are cadastral and urban planning discrepancies.
Furnishings and any goods present inside the property are included in the sale.
For further information, please consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
It is also possible to request further documentation at the PEC address
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