OFFER COLLECTION - Agricultural land in Bagnoli del Trigno (IS), Locality Piana Spinete 1 - LOT 2
The lands are registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Bagnoli del Trigno on Sheet 11:
Parcels 142 - 158 - 216 - 218 - 220 - 222 - 224 - 226 - 228 - 837 - Total area of 4,470 sqm - R.D. € 1.58 - R.A. € 1.37
The lands in question have a total area of 4,470 sqm, according to the current Master Plan they fall within Agricultural Zone E.
Please note that the land identified on map sheet no. 11 parcel no. 158 is an enclosed lot, therefore access can only occur from parcel no. 144 of another property; subject to the establishment or verification of the right of way with the burden on the successful bidder.
For further information, please consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Lot Code: 2