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Sale Timed Law court of Messina Bankr. n. 15/1994

Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)

  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)

starting priceEUR 70.000,00

Participation state

Experiment number4


LocationFurnari (ME)

Minimum offerEUR 70.000,00

Bid incrementEUR 5.000,00

Type of competitionTimed

Offer presentation deadlineTue 21/06/2022 at 12:00

Sale timeWed 22/06/2022 at 15:00

Deposit:10,00% dell'offerta

Overbid time5 minutes

Buyer's Premiumsee Sale Notice

Indicated prices VAT and fees excluded

PVP data
ID Inserzione1624318
ID Procedura346369
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0830480098
TribunaleTribunale di MESSINA
Anno Procedura1994
  • Soggetto
    ID Anagrafica3256209
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto1501615
Descrizione (IT)Si raccolgono offerte per un locale commerciale adibito a ristorante all'interno del porto denominato Portorosa a Furnari (ME) - LOTTO 4 (originario LOTTO 5)
Primo Identificativo1501615
IndirizzoArea Portorosa
  • Bene
    ID Bene2061943
    Descrizione (IT)Unità site al piano terra e al piano primo della “Tribunetta” collegate da una scala interna realizzate su area della Bazia Gardens per la maggiore superficie, a cui si accede dal prospetto Est della costruzione al piano primo. L’unità immobiliare è così costituita: Piano terra: locali depositi, laboratori e servizi igienici annessi, a servizio del locale ristorante del piano primo (altezza interna m. 2,68). I descritti locali sono stati realizzati con modifiche interne, diversa distribuzione e cambio di destinazione d’uso rispetto al progetto approvato. I locali sono in mediocre stato di conservazione e non utilizzati da molti anni. Negli stessi risultano ancora i resti di arredi ed attrezzature delle cucine del ristorante. Sono visibili copiose tracce di umidità nelle pareti di quasi tutti i locali con ammaloramento degli intonaci. Ad oggi detto locale ricade catastalmente nella Part.712 sub 2; - Piano Primo: locale ristorante, con annesso portico coperto e gradinata scoperta (tribuna) digradante verso il canale principale e quota dello spazio di accesso (che dovrà essere considerato spazio comune), nonché locale cucina e corpo scala che conduce al piano terra (altezza interna 3,55 m) (esclusa la soprastante terrazza di copertura). I descritti locali sono stati realizzati con modifiche interne, diversa distribuzione e parziale cambio di destinazione d’uso rispetto al progetto approvato. In particolare si segnala la chiusura a vetri ed il cambio di destinazione d’uso da balcone/veranda in cucina di una superficie adiacente al corpo scala (di circa 18 mq). Una parte dei locali che prospettano nel portico si presentano in buono stato di conservazione; mentre quelli che prospettano sul retro (non utilizzati da diverso tempo e destinati a cucina) sono in discreto stato di conservazione. In questi ultimi, risultano abbandonati i resti di arredi ed attrezzature delle cucine del ristorante, si notano tracce di infiltrazione d’acque e di deterioramento degli intonaci. La soprastante terrazza di copertura risulta in pessimo stato di conservazione. La superficie complessiva catastale (piano terra e primo), che ricade in area privata (indicata con linea continua) dei locali interni ascende a mq 278; pertanto, la valutazione si riferisce esclusivamente a tale superficie. Inoltre, si considera annessa una parte del portico avente una superficie di circa mq 28 e delle gradinate di circa 48 mq. Ad oggi anche detto locale ricade catastalmente nella Part.712 sub 2. Le difformità tra lo stato attuale delle predette unità immobiliari e quanto risulta dalle planimetrie di progetto fornite dal Comune di Furnari ed oggetto di C.E. prot. n. 2797/89, pratica edilizia n. 8/90, rilasciata in data 2.02.1990, consistenti sostanzialmente in una diversa distribuzione interna e consistenza dei locali rispetto al progetto approvato e parziale cambio di destinazione d’uso, si ritiene possano essere oggetto di istanza di sanatoria edilizia in base al combinato disposto dagli artt. 46, comma 5, del DPR 6 giugno 2001, n.380 e 40, comma 6 della L. 28 febbraio 1985 n.47 e/o dell’art. 13 della L. 47/85 ed art. 20 L.R. 4/2003 e s.m.i..
    Primo Identificativo2061943
    Indirizzoarea Portorosa
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oraWed 22 June 2022 at 15:002022-06-22T15:00:00
Prezzo base70.000,00
Offerta Minima70.000,00
Rialzo Minimo5.000,00
Termine Presentazione OfferteTue 21 June 2022 at 12:002022-06-21T12:00:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
  • Sito
    Tipologiagestore delle vendite
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione14/04/20222022-04-14


ASYNCHRONOUS TELEMATIC SALE - Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME), Portorosa area - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)


We collect offers for a commercial space used as a restaurant inside harbour called Portorosa.

Purchase offers can be presented by telematic modality, using web form "Telematic Offer" made available by Ministry of Justice trought the present webpage before 12:00 pm of day 21/06/2022

Users are advised to start filling out offer well in advance of fixed terms.

Auction base price EUR 70,000.00

Sale operations will take place on 922 June 2022 starting at 3:00 pm

For further information on lot and on participation modalities consult attached announcement and documentation

Procedure's details

Law courtMessina



ReceiverAvv. Basile Massimo

Goods included in lots (1)

  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)
  • Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)

Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME) - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5)

Furnari (ME)

Commercial space used as a restaurant in Furnari (ME), Portorosa area - LOT 4 (EX LOT 5) Units located on the ground floor and first floor of the "Tribunetta" connected by an internal staircase built on the area of the Bazia Gardens for the largest surface, which can be accessed from the east elevation of the building on the first floor. The real estate unit is made up as follows: Ground floor: storage rooms, laboratories and attached toilets, serving the restaurant on the first floor (internal height m. 2.68). The described premises were created with internal changes, different distribution and change of intended use compared to the approved project. The premises are in a mediocre state of conservation and have not been used for many years. The same still show the remains of furnishings and equipment of the restaurant kitchens. Copious traces of humidity are visible on the walls of almost all rooms with deterioration of the plaster. To date, this place falls catastically in Part 712 sub 2; - First Floor: local restaurant, with adjoining covered porch and open staircase (grandstand) sloping down to the main channel and share of the access space (which must be considered common space), as well as the kitchen and staircase leading to the ground floor (height indoor 3.55 m) (excluding the roof terrace above). The described premises were created with internal changes, different distribution and partial change of intended use compared to the approved project. In particular, we note the glass closure and the change of use from the balcony/veranda in the kitchen of an area adjacent to the staircase (about 18 square meters). A part of the premises facing the porch are in a good state of conservation; while those on the back (not used for some time and intended for the kitchen) are in fairly good condition. In the latter, the remains of furnishings and equipment of the restaurant kitchens are abandoned, there are traces of water infiltration and deterioration of the plaster. The roof terrace above is in a poor state of conservation. The overall cadastral area (ground and first floor), which falls within the private area (indicated with a solid line) of the internal rooms, rises to 278 square meters; therefore, the evaluation refers exclusively to this surface. In addition, a part of the porch with an area of approximately 28 square meters and the steps of approximately 48 square meters is considered annexed. To date, this local also falls into the land register in Part 712 sub 2. The discrepancies between the current state of the aforementioned real estate units and what appears from the project plans provided by the Municipality of Furnari and subject to C.E. prot. n. 2797/89, building practice n. 8/90, issued on 2.02.1990, consisting substantially of a different internal distribution and consistency of the premises with respect to the approved project and partial change of intended use, it is believed that they may be subject to a building amnesty application based on the combined provisions by articles 46, paragraph 5, of Presidential Decree 6 June 2001, n.380 and 40, paragraph 6 of Law 28 February 1985 n.47 and/or art. 13 of Law 47/85 and art. 20 L.R. 4/2003 and as amended.
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