Server time Wed 03/07/2024 at 07:21 | Europe/Rome


Sale Timed Law court of Ancona Judicial Liquidation n. 7/2023

Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1

  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1

starting priceEUR 526.000,00

Participation state

Experiment number1

LocationFabriano (AN)

Minimum offerEUR 394.500,00

Bid incrementEUR 5.000,00

Type of competitionTimed

Offer presentation deadlineMon 08/07/2024 at 12:00

Sale timeTue 09/07/2024 at 15:00

Deposit:10,00% dell'offerta

Overbid time5 minutes

Buyer's Premium4,00%

Indicated prices VAT and fees excluded

PVP data
ID Inserzione2223658
ID Procedura827677
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0420020093
TribunaleTribunale di ANCONA
Anno Procedura2023
  • Soggetto
    ID Anagrafica4523747
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto VisitaNo
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid International Auction Group Srl
    ID Anagrafica4523746
    Soggetto VenditaNo
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto2006822
Descrizione (IT)Si raccolgono offerte per un immobile industriale di 1.556,05 mq a Fabriano (AN), Via Giuliano Ceresani 17 - LOTTO 1
Primo Identificativo2006822
IndirizzoVia Giuliano Ceresani 17
  • Bene
    ID Bene2647012
    Descrizione (IT)L'immobile risulta censito al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Fabriano al Foglio 141: Particella 755 – Categoria D/1 – R.C. € 8.146,00 L'immobile risulta censito al Catasto Terreni del Comune di Fabriano al Foglio 141: Particella 755 - Ente urbano - Superficie 2.195 mq Capannone artigianale/industriale in parte disposto su due piani fuori terra (terra e primo) ed in parte disposto su un unicamente al piano terra, con corte esclusiva asfaltata.  Internamente è composto da: ingresso, sala d’attesa, antibagno, tre bagni, due laboratori e tre depositi al piano terra; due disimpegni, quattro uffici, anti bagno, due bagni, archivio, sala riunioni, deposito e centrale elettrica al piano primo. Il capannone in oggetto è stato edificato nel lotto n. 6 del Piano di Insediamento Produttivo (P.I.P.) denominato “Campo dell’Olmo”, realizzato ed ubicato nella zona est del Comune di Fabriano (AN) a ridosso della strada statale 76 della Val d’Esino, che si snoda nei territori dell’Umbria e delle Marche, di cui costituisce uno dei principali assi stradali. Dista circa 5 Km dal centro cittadino. L’immobile non risulta realizzato in regime di edilizia residenziale pubblica convenzionata e agevolata e finanziata in tutto o in parte con risorse pubbliche, con vincoli ancora vigenti a carico del proprietario debitore. Si prega di notare la presenza di difformità catastali ed urbanistiche sanabili. Si fa inoltre presente che l'immobile è oggetto di contratto di locazione, non opponibile alla procedura, con scadenza 31/03/2029 ad un canone annuo pari ad € 14.400. E' possibile effettuare la disdetta del contratto con un preavviso di 3 mesi.
    Primo Identificativo2647012
    Indirizzovia Giuliano Ceresani 17
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oraTue 09 July 2024 at 15:002024-07-09T15:00:00
Prezzo base526.000,00
Offerta Minima394.500,00
Rialzo Minimo5.000,00
Termine Presentazione OfferteMon 08 July 2024 at 12:002024-07-08T12:00:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiagestore delle vendite
    Indirizzo URL
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione22/05/20242024-05-22


ASYNCHRONOUS TELEMATIC SALE - Industrial building in Fabriano (AN), Via Giuliano Ceresani 17 - LOT 1

We collect offers for an industrial building of 1,556.05 sqm.

Purchase offers can be presented by telematic modality, using web form "Telematic Offer" made available by Ministry of Justice trought the present webpage before 12:00 pm of day 08/07/2024

Users are advised to start filling out offer well in advance of fixed terms.

Auction base price EUR 526,000.00

Sale operations will take place on 9 July 2024 starting at 3:00 pm

For further information on lot and on participation modalities consult attached announcement and documentation

Procedure's details

Law courtAncona

TypeJudicial Liquidation


ReceiverDott. Volpe Carlo

Goods included in lots (1)

  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1
  • Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1

Industrial building in Fabriano (AN) - LOT 1

Fabriano (AN)

Industrial building in Fabriano (AN), Via Giuliano Ceresani 17 - LOT 1

The buildings are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Fabriano at sheet 141:
Parcel 755 – Category D/1 – Cadastral Rent € 8,146.00

The buildings are registered at Land Registry of City of Fabriano at sheet  141:
Parcel 755 - Urban area- Surface area 2,195 sqm

Artisanal/industrial warehouse partly arranged on two floors above ground (ground and first) and partly arranged on a single ground floor, with an exclusive asphalted courtyard.
Internally it is composed of: entrance, waiting room, dressing room, three bathrooms, two laboratories and three storage rooms on the ground floor; two hallways, four offices, anti-bathroom, two bathrooms, archive, meeting room, storage and power plant on the first floor.
The warehouse in question was built in lot no. 6 of the Productive Settlement Plan (P.I.P.) called "Campo dell'Olmo", created and located in the eastern area of the Municipality of Fabriano (AN) close to the state road 76 of Val d'Esino, which winds through the territories of Umbria and the Marche region, of which it constitutes one of the main road axes. It is about 5 km from the city center.
The property is not built under the subsidized and subsidized public residential building regime and financed in whole or in part with public resources, with restrictions still in force borne by the debtor owner.
Please note the presence of remediable cadastral and urban planning discrepancies.

It should also be noted that the property is the subject of a rental contract, not enforceable against the procedure, expiring on 03/31/2029 at an annual rent of €14,400. It is possible to cancel the contract with 3 months' notice.
  • Retail surface: 1556.05 sqm
  • Area: 1398.95 sqm
  • Sqm Court: 1176 sqm
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