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Sale Timed Law court of Bari Judicial Liquidation n. 16/2023

Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)

  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)

starting priceEUR 774.000,00

Participation state

Experiment number1

LocationBitonto (BA)

Minimum offerEUR 580.500,00

Bid incrementEUR 5.000,00

Type of competitionTimed

Offer presentation deadlineWed 03/04/2024 at 12:00

Sale timeThu 04/04/2024 at 15:00

Deposit:10,00% dell'offerta

Overbid time5 minutes

Buyer's Premiumsee Sale Notice

Indicated prices VAT and fees excluded

PVP data
ID Inserzione2134159
ID Procedura842625
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0720060097
TribunaleTribunale di BARI
Anno Procedura2023
  • Soggetto
    ID Anagrafica4352038
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto VisitaNo
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid International Auction Group Srl
    ID Anagrafica4352037
    Soggetto VenditaNo
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto1944366
Descrizione (IT)Opificio con due alloggi custode a Bitonto (BA), Via Palo del Colle 48
Primo Identificativo1944366
IndirizzoVia Palo del Colle 48
  • Bene
    ID Bene2574573
    Descrizione (IT)Gli immobili risultano censiti al Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Bitonto al Foglio 62: Particella 114 – Sub. 3 – Categoria A/3 – Consistenza 4,5 vani – R.C. € 302,18; Particella 114 – Sub. 5 – Categoria D/1 – R.C. € 6.745,00; Particella 114 – Sub. 6 – Categoria D/1 – R.C. € 4.850,00; Particella 114 – Sub. 8 – Categoria A/4 – Consistenza 2,5 vani – R.C. € 148,48 Il lotto in oggetto si compone di fabbricati a destinazione produttiva e l’altra da fabbricati a destinazione abitativa, nello specifico: - sub. 5 e 6, immobili destinati ad attività produttive ed uffici, composto da una parte più antica in muratura caratterizzata da un solo piano rialzato e da una parte di realizzazione più recente, elevata su due livelli collegati da scala interna ed ascensore. a parte più antica è stata destinata a piccoli laboratori ed ad uffici, mentre la porzione più recente è connotata sia al piano rialzato che al primo piano da due grandi ambienti destinabili a produzione (laboratori), esposizione e vendita con adiacenti ambienti a servizio della produzione stessa (depositi, bagni, piccoli uffici, ecc.). E’ presente una zona interrata di circa 70 mq destinata a locali tecnici; - Sub. 3 e 8, fabbricati adibiti ad alloggi custode, sono attualmente occupati e risultano di scadente qualità edilizia e, soprattutto quello individuato catastalmente al sub 8 ancorchè di categoria A/4, necessitanti di interventi di profonda ristrutturazione. I fabbricati sono entrambi in muratura portante con solai in latero cemento. Le superfici commerciali si riassumono come di seguito: - Alloggio custode – circa mq 90,00; - Alloggio custode – circa mq 60,00; - Immobile produttivo - Piano rialzato circa mq 1190,00; - Immobile produttivo - Primo piano circa mq 850,00
    Primo Identificativo2574573
    Indirizzovia Palo del Colle 48
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oraThu 04 April 2024 at 15:002024-04-04T15:00:00
Prezzo base774.000,00
Offerta Minima580.500,00
Rialzo Minimo5.000,00
Termine Presentazione OfferteWed 03 April 2024 at 12:002024-04-03T12:00:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
  • Sito
    Tipologiagestore delle vendite
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione07/02/20242024-02-07


ASYNCHRONOUS TELEMATIC SALE - Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA), Via Palo del Colle 48

We collect offers for an industrial building with two caretaker quarters.

Purchase offers can be presented by telematic modality, using web form "Telematic Offer" made available by Ministry of Justice trought the present webpage before 12:00 pm of day 03/04/2024

Users are advised to start filling out offer well in advance of fixed terms.

Auction base price EUR 774,000.00

Sale operations will take place on 4 April 2024 starting at 3:00 pm

For further information on lot and on participation modalities consult attached announcement and documentation

Procedure's details

Law courtBari

TypeJudicial Liquidation


ReceiverAvv. Cicciomessere Vincenzo

Attached documents

Goods included in lots (1)

  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)
  • Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)

Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA)

Bitonto (BA)

Industrial building with two caretaker quarters in Bitonto (BA), Via Palo del Colle 48

The buildings are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Bitonto at sheet 62:

Parcel 114 – Sub. 3 – Category A/3 – Consistency of 4.5 compartments – Cadastral Rent € 302.18
Parcel 114 – Sub. 5 – Category D/1 – Cadastral Rent € 6,745.00
Parcel 114 – Sub. 6 – Category D/1 – Cadastral Rent € 4,850.00
Parcel 114 – Sub. 8 – Category A/4 – Consistency of 2.5 compartments – Cadastral Rent € 148.48

The lot in question is made up of buildings for production purposes and the other for residential purposes, specifically:
- sub. 5 and 6, buildings intended for production activities and offices, composed of an older masonry part characterized by a single mezzanine floor and a more recently built part, elevated on two levels connected by an internal staircase and lift. the older part was used as small laboratories and offices, while the more recent portion is characterized both on the mezzanine floor and on the first floor by two large rooms intended for production (laboratories), exhibition and sales with adjacent rooms serving production itself (warehouses, bathrooms, small offices, etc.). There is an underground area of approximately 70 m2 intended for technical rooms.
- Sub. 3 and 8, buildings used as caretaker's accommodation, are currently occupied and are of poor construction quality and, especially the one identified in the land registry at sub 8 even though it is of category A/4, in need of extensive renovation work. The buildings are both in load-bearing masonry with concrete brick floors.
The commercial surfaces are summarized as follows:
- Caretaker's accommodation – approximately 90.00 sqm
- Caretaker's accommodation – approximately 60.00 sqm
- Production building - Mezzanine floor approximately 1190.00 sqm
- Production building - First floor approximately 850.00 sqm
  • Retail surface: 2190 sqm
  • Area: 2040 sqm
  • Caretaker home: 150 sqm
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