Server time Sun 09/03/2025 at 23:20 | Europe/Rome


Sale Timed Law court of Napoli Nord Judicial Liquidation n. 51/2023

Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)

  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)

starting priceEUR 499.362,81

Participation state

Experiment number3


LocationMontecastrilli (TR)

Minimum offerEUR 374.522,11

Bid incrementEUR 20.000,00

Type of competitionTimed

Offer presentation deadlineThu 06/03/2025 at 13:00

Sale timeFri 07/03/2025 at 15:00

Deposit:10,00% dell'offerta

Overbid time5 minutes

Buyer's Premiumsee Sale Notice

Indicated prices VAT and fees excluded

PVP data
ID Inserzione4317947
ID Procedura958027
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale06100500902
TribunaleTribunale di Napoli nord in Aversa
Anno Procedura2023
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid international auction group srl
    ID Anagrafica4873717
    Soggetto VenditaNo
    Soggetto Visita1
  • Soggetto
    ID Anagrafica4873718
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto VisitaNo
ID Lotto2204437
Descrizione (IT)Si raccolgono offerte per un'area edificabile con edifici in corso di costruzione a Montecastrilli (TR), Via della Fiera
Primo Identificativo2204437
IndirizzoVia Della Fiera, 05026 Montecastrilli TR, Italia
  • Bene
    ID Bene2860022
    Descrizione (IT)L’area edificabile in asta è sita a soli 5 km dall’uscita Montecastrilli/Avigliano-Umbro della E45. Ha una superficie di 12.183 mq. L’area è stata oggetto di Piano di Lottizzazione Residenziale denominato “La Piaggia” per la realizzazione di 23 alloggi distinti rispettivamente in due edifici trifamiliari, 7 edifici bifamiliari e 3 edifici unifamiliari, per un totale di 12 edifici. Il Comune di Montecastrilli fronte delle richieste prodotte con protocollo numero 13769/2023 e numero 15487/2023, con deliberazione di Giunta Municipale numero 7 del 30 Gennaio 2024 ha dato la propria disponibilità alla stipula di nuova convenzione comunale, e di conseguenza predisporre tutti i documenti propedeutici ed atti all’approvazione del piano di lottizzazione in zona “C” “La Piaggia” già approvato con verbale 4 di Consiglio Comunale nella seduta del 09 Marzo 2007. Allo stato attuale: • risulta essere stato accatastato un solo “edificio bifamiliare”, ovvero l’Edificio “C”, infatti un alloggio è identificato in Catasto Fabbricati con foglio 70, particella 710 e l’altro con particella 711; • risultano formati catastalmente solo 6 lotti per rispettivi impianti di sei fabbricati (completi ed in corso di completamento) che sul posto risultano identificati per sette alloggi di cui uno già di proprietà esclusiva della prima lottizzante, si rinvengono anche opere di fondazione per un ulteriore edificio (per questo non risulta rilasciato dal Comune di Montecastrilli alcun titolo edilizio, quindi abusive e soggette a sanatoria); • si evidenzia un tracciato di viabilità con eventuali reti di sotto-servizi; pozzetti, qualche chiusino ed in qualche pozzetto una tubazione, (opere di urbanizzazione primaria); • nessun alloggio, facente capo alla società detta, risulta completato effettivamente; infatti per quei due accatastati necessitano di opere di sistemazioni interne e rifinitura esterne, senza trascurare il fatto che non vi sono collegamenti alle reti di pubblici servizi. Dati Catastali Catasto Terreni del Comune di Montecastrilli al Foglio 70: Particella 610 - 613 - 668 - 669 - 671 - 672 - 673 - 674 - 676 - 677 - 678 - 679- 710 - 711 Catasto Fabbricati del Comune di Montecastrilli al Foglio 70: Particella 710 - categoria A/2 - Classe 6 - Consistenza 6,5 vani - R.C.€ 486,76; Particella 711 - categoria A/2 - Classe 6 - Consistenza 6,5 vani - R.C.€ 486,76
    Primo Identificativo2860022
    IndirizzoVia Della Fiera, 05026 Montecastrilli TR, Italia
    Bene Immobile
    • Dati catastali
    Tipo DenunciaProtocollo
Dati Vendita
Data e oraFri 07 March 2025 at 15:002025-03-07T15:00:00
IndirizzoVia dei Funari 34
Prezzo base499.362,81
Offerta Minima374.522,11
Rialzo Minimo20.000,00
Termine Presentazione OfferteThu 06 March 2025 at 13:002025-03-06T13:00:00
  • Sito
    Tipologiagestore delle vendite
    Indirizzo URL
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione17/01/20252025-01-17


ASYNCHRONOUS TELEMATICS SALE - Building land in Montecastrilli (TR), Via della Fiera

Bids are being collected for a building area with buildings under construction.

Purchase offers can be submitted electronically, using the web form "Telematic Offer" provided by the Ministry of Justice through this web page by 1:00 PM on 06/03/2025

Users are advised to start filling out the offer well in advance of the deadline.

Starting auction price EUR 499,362.81

The sale operations will take place on March 7, 2025, starting at 3:00 PM

For more information about the lot and participation methods, please consult the sale notice and the attached documentation.

Procedure's details

Law courtNapoli Nord

TypeJudicial Liquidation


ReceiverDott. Perna Felice

Goods included in lots (1)

  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)
  • Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)

Building land in Montecastrilli (TR)

Montecastrilli (TR)

The building land for auction is located just 5 km from the Montecastrilli/Avigliano-Umbro exit of the E45.
It has an area of 12,183 sqm.
The area has been the subject of a Residential Development Plan called "La Piaggia" for the construction of 23 housing units divided into two three-family buildings, 7 two-family buildings, and 3 single-family buildings, for a total of 12 buildings.
The Municipality of Montecastrilli, in response to requests made with protocol numbers 13769/2023 and 15487/2023, with Municipal Council Resolution number 7 of January 30, 2024, has expressed its willingness to enter into a new municipal agreement, and consequently to prepare all the necessary documents and acts for the approval of the development plan in zone "C" "La Piaggia" already approved with minutes 4 of the Municipal Council in the session of March 9, 2007.
• only one "two-family building" has been registered, namely Building "C", in fact one unit is identified in the Land Registry with sheet 70, parcel 710 and the other with parcel 711
• only 6 lots have been formed for the respective plants of six buildings (complete and under completion) which on site are identified for seven housing units of which one is already exclusively owned by the first developer, there are also foundation works for an additional building (for this, no building permit has been issued by the Municipality of Montecastrilli, therefore they are illegal and subject to regularization)
• a road layout with possible utility networks is highlighted; manholes, some covers, and in some manholes a pipe, (primary urbanization works)
• no housing unit belonging to the aforementioned company is actually completed; in fact, for those two registered, internal finishing works and external finishing are needed, not to mention that there are no connections to public service networks.

Cadastral Data
Land Registry of the Municipality of Montecastrilli on Sheet 70:
Parcel 610 - 613 - 668 - 669 - 671 - 672 - 673 - 674 - 676 - 677 - 678 - 679- 710 - 711
Building Registry of the Municipality of Montecastrilli on Sheet 70:
Parcel 710 - category A/2 - Class 6 - Consistency 6.5 rooms - R.C.€ 486.76
Parcel 711 - category A/2 - Class 6 - Consistency 6.5 rooms - R.C.€ 486.76
  • Area: 12183 sqm
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