Palvelimen aika Sun 09/03/2025 tunnit 22:20 | Europe/Rome

Stock of Slate

Huutokauppa n. 12130

Tuomioistuin Ourense
Myynti n.4

Carballeda di Valdeorra - Spain

Stock of Slate - Bank n. 247/2020- Ourense Law Court n° 4 - Sale 4
1 Erä
Alennus -100%
Fri 06/08/2021 tunnit 16:00
Tue 24/08/2021 tunnit 16:25
  • Kuvaus

Stock of Slate

Bankruptcy n. 247/2020 - Ourense Law Court n° 4


For further information consult lot webpage

Collection assistance costs are required. Due amounts for the available day of collection are indicated in the lots webpages. For further collection dates additional costs please refer to specific terms of auction.

Lots are sold as is. Viewing is reccomended.
  • Visiö:By appointment
  • Vakuusmaksu:EUR 3.000,00
  • Gastos de administraciónsovellettu

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