Heure du serveur dim. 01/09/2024 heures 11:25 | Europe/Rome

Agricultural land in Ribera (AG)


Immobilier > Terrains

  • Agricultural land in Ribera (AG) 1
  • Agricultural land in Ribera (AG) 2
  • Agricultural land in Ribera (AG) 3
  • Agricultural land in Ribera (AG) 4
  • Agricultural land in Ribera (AG) 5
  • Agricultural land in Ribera (AG) 6
  • + photo
  • Description

Agricultural land in Ribera (AG), Località Sparagia

The lands are registered at Land Registry of City of Ribera at sheet 77:

Parcel 3 - Arable land - Class 4 - Surface area 3,824 sqm - R.D. €7.90 - R.A. €1.79
Parcel 4 - Arable land - Class 4 - Surface area 5,420 sqm - R.D. €11.20 - R.A. €2.80
Parcel 106 - Arable land - Class 4 - Surface area 2,538 sqm - R.D. €5.24 - R.A. € 1.31
Parcel 137 - Arable land - Class 4 - Surface area 644 sqm - R.D. €1.33 - R.A. €0.33

The land in question is located in an agricultural area located approximately 10 km from the town of Ribera and just 3 km from that of Cattolica Eraclea
The area is purely agricultural in nature with some buildings and sheds used for managing the land. The land is currently uncultivated.
From the urban planning certificate it is clear that the parcels fall within Z.T.O. “E”, intended for agricultural use, where the construction of buildings and systems necessary for the exercise of agricultural and zootechnical activities is permitted according to the provisions of the technical implementation standards of the current General Development Plan.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

Surface: 12.426 mq

  • Pièces jointes (1)


Loto suspendu pour

Prix de réserve

Montant minimum € 500,00

Prime d'acheteur € 1.000,00

Dépôt de garantie : € 1.200,00

TVA sur le lot 22,00 %si cela était applicable


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