Heure du serveur lun. 24/02/2025 heures 20:44 | Europe/Rome

Cellophane Wrapping Machine and Oven for Packaging

Lot 44

Enchère n.9165

Divers > Équipement de travail

  • Cellophane Wrapping Machine and Oven for Packaging 1
  • Cellophane Wrapping Machine and Oven for Packaging 2
  • Cellophane Wrapping Machine and Oven for Packaging 3
  • Cellophane Wrapping Machine and Oven for Packaging 4
  • Cellophane Wrapping Machine and Oven for Packaging 5
  • Cellophane Wrapping Machine and Oven for Packaging 6
  • + photo
  • Description

The lot includes:

n. 1 casing machine (to be used as spare parts), n. 1 ITALFERPACK shrink packaging oven Mod. IPK10040 matr. 1368-01 year 2002 CE marked - ref. 14

- goods located in Via Croce -


Loto suspendu pour

Prix de réserve

Montant minimum € 50,00

Prime d'acheteur 10,00 %

Dépôt de garantie : € 1.500,00

Frais d'administration € 75,00

TVA sur le lot 22,00 %si cela était applicable


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