Ώρα του διακομιστή Wed 11/12/2024 ώρες 22:36 | Europe/Rome

Commercial premises in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Tenerife - Spain

Παρτίδα 2

Δημοπρασία n.9098

Ακίνητα > Εμπορικά Ακίνητα

  • Commercial premises in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Tenerife - Spain 1
  • Commercial premises in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Tenerife - Spain 2
  • Commercial premises in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Tenerife - Spain 3
  • Commercial premises in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Tenerife - Spain 4
  • Περιγραφή

Commercial premises in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Calle Fuente de Santa Cruz

Finca n. 19753

The premises have a total constructed area of approximately THREE HUNDRED FORTY METERS, FIFTY-FOUR DECIMETERS SQUARE, distributed as follows:
- In the basement floor -1, intended for a warehouse, it has a total constructed area of approximately one hundred and thirty-seven meters, ninety-one square decimeters
- On the ground floor it has a total constructed area of approximately one hundred and thirty meters, three square decimeters.
Its access takes place completely independently from the rest of the buildings in the building, with two entrances, the first one located at the ground floor level, towards the east of the plot, and the second at the mezzanine level, towards the western part of the plot.

The auction house commission (4% + VAT) is included in the lot price.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

Επιφάνεια: 240,54


Αναστολή λόττο για

Αξιολόγηση € 600.000,00

Τιμή ελάχιστης προσφοράς

Ελάχιστο ποσό € 2.500,00

Αγοραστική Αναβάθμιση 4,00 %

Κατάθεση εγγύησης: € 30.000,00

Τιμές που εμφανίζονται χωρίς ΦΠΑ και χρεώσεις σύμφωνα με τον νόμο


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Commercial premises, land and garage - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain
Commercial premises, land and garage - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain
Commercial premises, land and garage - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain
5 Παρτίδες
Ελεύθερη προσφορά

Commercial premises, land and garage - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain

Commercial premises, land and garage - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain

Δημοπρασία 9098

Δικαστήριο της Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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